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Mehrere Seiten pro Blatt in umgekehrter Reihenfolge


ich drucke ziemlich viel Text und dies mit der "2 Seiten pro Blatt" Einstellung. Nun bin ich es leid, jedesmal den Stapel Papier nach dem Drucken in die richtige Reihenfolge zu bringen. Dewegen hab ich mal Ausgabe in umgekehrter Reihenfolge aktiviert. Nun bekomm ich die Blätter in richtiger Reihenfolge, aber die Seiten sind vertauscht.

z.B. Links: S.2, Rechts S.1

Da wir hier in Europa von links nach rechts lesen muss es natürlich so sein:
Links: S.1, Rechts S.2

Wie kann ich dies bewerkstelligen?



Hier gibts jede Menge Info zu dem Problem:

mir hat folgender Beitrag weitergeholfen:
If the number-up layout is done by CUPS... there are (since quite some time) these options available for sorting:

(a) -o number-up-layout=btlr ; Bottom to top, left to right
(b) -o number-up-layout=btrl ; Bottom to top, right to left
(c) -o number-up-layout=lrbt ; Left to right, bottom to top
(d) -o number-up-layout=lrtb ; Left to right, top to bottom (default)
(e) -o number-up-layout=rlbt ; Right to left, bottom to top
(f) -o number-up-layout=rltb ; Right to left, top to bottom
(g) -o number-up-layout=tblr ; Top to bottom, left to right
(h) -o number-up-layout=tbrl ; Top to bottom, right to left

This certainly is a feature we should support properly in the GUI. For now, if you need full control, follow this procedure:

--> Do *not* select number-up in the GUI (!!)
--> Instead, insert the wanted number-up details in the "Additional Tags" tab.

Note, you will not see the number-up layout in the print preview, because the layouting happens later in the printpath, once the job has reached the realm of CUPS.

You can even control wether there should be drawn borders around the frames, and which style:

(a) -o page-border=double ; draw two hairline borders around each page
(b) -o page-border=double-thick ; draw two 1pt borders around each page
(c) -o page-border=none ; do not draw a border (default)
(d) -o page-border=single ; draw one hairline border around each page
(e) -o page-border=single-thick ; draw one 1pt border around each page

I printed an 8 page document from KWord, using these n-up settings:

--> number-up=9
--> number-up-layout=tblr

Now look at the screenshots:

* http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=19266&action=edit
(Setting kprinter on "Additional Tags" tab for layout-control in n-up printing)

* http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=19268&action=edit
(8-page KWord document in 9-up in "top-to-bottom, left-to-right" layout)

* http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=19269&action=edit
(8-page KWord document in 9-up in "top-to-bottom, right-to-left" layout)

As you can see, it worked exactly as expected.