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Fax mit graphischer Oberfläche!

hat Hylafax eingentlich eine graphische Oberfläche?
Wenn nein,kenn jemand ein Fax Pogramm zum Versand von gescannten Dateien das eine solche hat?
merseybeat schrieb:
hat Hylafax eingentlich eine graphische Oberfläche?
ich kenn nur das was auf der SuSE-CD mit dabeiist bzw. man mit APT oder YAST installieren kann.:

A fax client for the HylaFAX fax server
This is a fax client for the HylaFax(tm) fax server maintained and
programmed by Sam Leffler (SGI). It is totally implemented in Java.

It supports:

* integrated phone book

* sending faxes directly from the phone book

* setting up job parameters before sending a job and during
processing of the job in the job queue

* removing jobs from the job queue

* direct viewing of received faxes (needs an external tiffg3 viewer
or converter. For Linux and UNIX, the converting is done by
fax2ps from libtiff and viewing by ghostview or gv automatically
by a script included with this package)

* creating of serial fax lists out of the phone book entries

* automatic cover page generation (not very fast)

* auto-spooling (important for Windows users) This program is also
running on WINDOWS and hopefully all the other platforms that
support Java by the JDK from Sun. It has been tested on WindowsNT
4.0 and it seems to run.

* password prompting if the administrator of the fax server wants
the users to access the server via password

* JDBC Support

Carsten Hoeger <Carsten.Hoeger@suse.de>