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Gnome/Login Manager ändern aber wie???


wie schon gesagt will mir ein Neuen LogIM (Bild) draufmachen...aber unter Gnome2.12 gibs dafür kein Menü wie bei KDE. Weis einer wie das unter Gnome Funktz???
Jap also wie ich richtig verstanden habe willst du das sogenannte "Splash" ändern.
Da ich recht faul bin habe ich es mal rauskopiert....

you can try making a .splash directory in your home folder, and drag all the splashes you like in it.
Then, in Applications->System->Gconf Config Editor, go to apps->gnome-sesion->options
click on splash image, the field is open for editing. Type in /home/*username*/.splash/*splash_picture's_name.png

hoffe dir geholfen zu haben



bei mir tritt folgendes Problem auf:

flipp@x2cool:~> gnomesu /opt/gnome/sbin/gdmsetup
Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
Trying failed command again. Try 2 of 5.
Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
Trying failed command again. Try 3 of 5.
Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
Trying failed command again. Try 4 of 5.
Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
Trying failed command again. Try 5 of 5.
Command failed 5 times, aborting.
Zugriff auf die GDM-Konfigurationsdatei war nicht möglich.