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[Solved]Update auf suse 10.2 legt scanner lahm (Eps. cx5400)


Seit Stunden durchforste ich die nicht wenigen Beiträge zu Scannern und gehe jetzt mal davon aus, dass nichts für mich zu finden ist.

Ich bin gerade von suse 9.3. auf suse 10.2 umgestiegen und jetzt lässt sich der Scanner vom EPSON cx-5400 nicht mehr installieren. YAST benennt das Gerät, aber erklärt den Treiber für "Nicht konfiguriert". Wenn ich den Treiber einrichte, bekomme ich:

epson Kein Scanner von diesem Treiber erkannt

Ich habe alles mögliche versucht, auch die Treiber von Avasys und epkowa, es bleibt das gleiche. Mache ich was falsch, oder spinnt hier die Software? Bei 9.3 hatte ich das Problem nicht.

Nun zu den Daten:
sane-version: 1.0.18

scanimage -L ergibt:
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 255.
[dll] sane_init: SANE dll backend version 1.0.12 from sane-backends 1.0.18
[dll] sane_init: reading dll.conf
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epson'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epkowa'
[dll] sane_get_devices
[dll] load: searching backend `epkowa' in `/usr/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epkowa'
[dll] init: backend `epkowa' is version 1.0.205
[dll] load: searching backend `epson' in `/usr/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epson.so.1'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epson.so.1'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epson'
[dll] init: backend `epson' is version 1.0.246
[dll] sane_get_devices: found 0 devices

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[dll] sane_exit: exiting
[dll] sane_exit: calling backend `epkowa's exit function
[dll] sane_exit: calling backend `epson's exit function
[dll] sane_exit: finished

sane-find-scanner ergibt
 # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x0808 [USB MFP]) at libusb:002:002
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.

Schon mal danke fürs Lesen. Vielleicht hat ja eine/r ne Idee.


Ist niemand hier oder weiß nur niemand eine Antwort. Der Scanner ist das letzte Problem meiner Installation. I'm hoping so much...
Hatte das gleiche Problem und es konnte mir keiner weiterhelfen!
Jetzt hab ich nach ewigen hin und her es endlich hinbekommen. :)

Also mach folgendes:

1. iscan, sane und xsane installieren
2. als root ins Verzeichnis /etc/sane.d wechseln
dort die Datei epkowa.conf bearbeiten
Dort muss bei usb die VendorID und ProducktID hinzugefügt werden

Meine conf
# epkowa.conf -- sample configuration for the EPKOWA SANE backend
# Copyright (C) 2004  Olaf Meeuwissen
# See sane-epkowa(5), sane-scsi(5) and sane-usb(5) for details.

# SCSI scanners can be configured simply by listing the path to the
# device.  For example, if your system claims to have a /dev/scanner
# SCSI device, all you have to do is uncomment the following line:
# In the interest of maintainability, most installations would have
# /dev/scanner sym-linked to the real SCSI scanner device node.
# An alternative way that works for many operating systems and is a
# little bit more generic, is to have the backend probe for your SCSI
# scanner with the following configuration command:
scsi EPSON

# On systems with libusb, the following line is sufficient to get the
# backend to recognise your USB scanners.  It presumes, however, that
# the scanner---more precisely, it's USB product ID---is known to the
# backend.
# For all USB scanners that are officially supported by this backend,
# this presumption is true.  A list of such scanners can be found in
# sane-epkowa(5).

# For any USB scanner not known to the backend (yet), you may, at your
# own peril(!!), force the backend to recognise and use it via libusb.
# You can do so by the following configuration command:
#   usb <USB vendor ID> <USB product ID>
# SEIKO EPSON's USB vendor ID is '0x04b8' (without quotes).  In order
# to find the USB product ID, use lsusb(1) or, on Linux systems, peek
# at the information in /proc/bus/usb/devices.
# A sample configuration for the Perfection 1650 (GT-8200), which has
# a product ID of 0x0110, would look as follows:
#usb 0x04b8 0x0110
usb 0x04b8 0x0808

# When not accessing your USB scanner via libusb, you may need to use
# one of the configuration commands below or commands that are almost
# the same.  These commands typically access the scanner via a kernel
# scanner module.
#usb /dev/usb/scanner0
#usb /dev/usbscanner0
#usb /dev/uscanner0
# Linux had a scanner module until version 2.6.2.  As of version 2.6.3
# libusb is your only option.  Linux' scanner module can be loaded via
# the modprobe(8) command like so:
#   modprobe scanner vendor=<USB vendor ID> product=<USB product ID>
# If the scanner module already knows the vendor and product IDs, you
# do not have to specify them.  If you want to have this done automa-
# tically every time you boot, you can add the above line, except for
# the modprobe command itself, to your /etc/modules file.

# Although not tested with this backend, parallel port scanners should
# be usable.  You can configure them as shown below, but I do not know
# much about the details.  Information is welcome.
#pio 0x278
#pio 0x378
#pio 0x3BC

Dann in Yast auf Hardware->Scanner gehn und beim Epson auf bearbeiten gehen. Dort wählst Du dann den Scanner EpsonStylus CX5400.
Du musst aber den nehmen wo dahinter Treiber epkowa steht.
Und schwups, der Scanner wird erkannt!

Viel Glück beim Umsetzen



Vielen Dank für diese einfache Lösung. Sie funzt problemlos.

Jetzt ist das letzt Problem dieser Installation gelöst und ich kann einfach nur damit arbeiten. Herrlich!!