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phpMyAdmin will nicht

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.


habe mysql,mysql-max,mysql-connector-java ,phpMyAdmin,mysqlcc vom dvd (suse 9.3 64bit) installiert
mysql und per konsole gestartet

aber wenn ich in mein browser ''http://localhost/phpMyAdmin'' eingebe passiert nicht ''Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden.''

was muss ich machen damit es im laufen zu bringen

bitte um hilfe :shock:



versuch mal http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.php




ich hätte es vorher überprüfen sollen, selbstverständlich geht es auch ohne index.php.

tux123 schrieb:
aber wenn ich in mein browser ''http://localhost/phpMyAdmin'' eingebe passiert nicht ''Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden.''
Auch "http://localhost/" wird zur gleichen Fehlermeldung führen
:arrow: Der Webserver läuft nicht. :idea:

Da du phpMyAdmin von der DVD installiert hast, ist der Apache ebenfalls bereits installiert.

Starte ihn als root in der Konsole mit
> rcapache2 start


habe das elber problem und habe folgendes bekommen
linux:/ # rcapache2 start
Starting httpd2 (prefork) Syntax error on line 10 of /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf:
Invalid command 'Perlrequire', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

The command line was:
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Schau mal, ob das Modul perl aktiviert ist. (yast->Netzwerkdienste->HTTP-Server->Module)
Wenn nein, aktiviere es und versuche dann:
rcapache2 configtest

Wenn Syntax OK kommt müsste es funktionieren.

Wenn nicht poste die Zeile 10 der Datei.



Syntax error on line 15 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/smpppd-web-apache2.conf:
Invalid command 'SetEnv', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

# --
# added for OTRS (http://otrs.org/)
# --

# agent, admin and customer frontend
ScriptAlias /otrs/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"

# load all otrs modules
Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-perl-startup.pl

# Apache::Reload - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
PerlModule Apache::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload

# set mod_perl2 options
<Location /otrs>
#  ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/customer.pl
  ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/index.pl
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

# MaxRequestsPerChild (so no apache child will be to big!)
MaxRequestsPerChild 400
Poste auch die /etc/apache2/conf.d/smpppd-web-apache2.conf

Welche MySQL, Apache, phpMyAdmin -Versionen hast du installiert ?



War das Modul Perl aktiviert ?


ja perl war aktiviert

Alias /smpppd-web /srv/www/smpppd-web

<Directory "/srv/www/smpppd-web">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    ## replace the line above by the one below to restrict access
    # Allow from localhost .your-local.domain
    # Deny from all

    <Files "smpppd-web.tmpl">
        Deny from all

    <IfModule mod_perl.c>
	SetEnv HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT /srv/www/smpppd-web
        AddHandler perl-script .pl
        PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry

    <IfModule !mod_perl.c>
        AddHandler cgi-script .pl

    DirectoryIndex smpppd-web.pl
    Options +ExecCGI

- MySQL 4.1.10a-3.2
- Apache 2.0.53-9
-phpMyAdmin 2.6.1pl3-4.2


ja perl war aktiviert

Alias /smpppd-web /srv/www/smpppd-web

<Directory "/srv/www/smpppd-web">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    ## replace the line above by the one below to restrict access
    # Allow from localhost .your-local.domain
    # Deny from all

    <Files "smpppd-web.tmpl">
        Deny from all

    <IfModule mod_perl.c>
	SetEnv HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT /srv/www/smpppd-web
        AddHandler perl-script .pl
        PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry

    <IfModule !mod_perl.c>
        AddHandler cgi-script .pl

    DirectoryIndex smpppd-web.pl
    Options +ExecCGI

- MySQL 4.1.10a-3.2
- Apache 2.0.53-9
-phpMyAdmin 2.6.1pl3-4.2


habe Apche deinstalliert und dann neu installiert

jetzt wenn ich
rcapache2 start
bekomme folgendes
linux:/home/xxx # rcapache2 start
Starting httpd2 (prefork) Syntax error on line 24 of /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/lo                        admodule.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so into server: /usr/lib64                        /apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so: undefined symbol: ap_proxy_ssl_enable

The command line was:
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Dieser Fehler:
Syntax error on line 15 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/smpppd-web-apache2.conf:
Invalid command 'SetEnv', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
kommt wenn das Modul env deaktiviert ist.

linux:/home/xxx # rcapache2 start
Starting httpd2 (prefork) Syntax error on line 24 of /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so into server: /usr/lib64 /apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so: undefined symbol: ap_proxy_ssl_enable

The command line was:
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Was willst du mit dem Server machen?
Je nachdem kannst du Module vorerst deaktiveren, die du nicht benötigst. Hier z.B das Modul proxy_http.



ich möchte mysql für Mythtv mediacenter einrichten weil ich bekomme folgendes wenn ich mythtv starten will
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
2005-05-22 18:06:03.194 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-05-22 18:06:03.194 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.194 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiVidMo
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiVidMo
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.195 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.196 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiVidMo
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 Database not open while trying to load setting: DisplayS
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 Database not open while trying to load setting: DisplayS
2005-05-22 18:06:03.197 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Database not open while trying to load setting: DisplayS
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.198 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 Database not open while trying to load setting: VidModeR
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.199 Database not open while trying to load setting: VidModeW
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Database not open while trying to load setting: VidModeH
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.200 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.201 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.201 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.201 Database not open while trying to load setting: TVVidMod
2005-05-22 18:06:03.202 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.202 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.202 Database not open while trying to load setting: UseVideo
Total desktop width=2048, height=768, numscreens=2
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 Database not open while trying to load setting: Xinerama
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 Database not open while trying to load setting: RunFront
2005-05-22 18:06:03.203 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
2005-05-22 18:06:03.204 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 Database not open while trying to load setting: Style
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 Database not open while trying to load setting: Theme
2005-05-22 18:06:03.205 Switching to square mode (blue)
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiOffse
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiOffse
2005-05-22 18:06:03.206 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiResol
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiWidth
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.207 Database not open while trying to load setting: GuiHeigh
2005-05-22 18:06:03.208 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.208 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.208 Database not open while trying to load setting: MenuThem
2005-05-22 18:06:03.208 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.208 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 Database not open while trying to load setting: QtFontBi
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 Database not open while trying to load setting: QtFontMe
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.209 Database not open while trying to load setting: QtFontSm
2005-05-22 18:06:03.215 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.215 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.216 Database not open while trying to load setting: HideMous
2005-05-22 18:06:03.218 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.218 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.218 Database not open while trying to load setting: RunFront
2005-05-22 18:06:03.607 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.608 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.608 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.608 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.608 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.608 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.609 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.609 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.609 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.609 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.609 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.611 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.612 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.613 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.614 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:03.615 Database not open while trying to load setting: Language
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: Keine Berechtigung
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2005-05-22 18:06:03.632 Joystick disabled.
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 Database not open while trying to save setting: Language
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 Database not open while trying to load setting: Language
2005-05-22 18:06:06.512 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:06.513 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:06.513 Database not open while trying to save setting: Language
2005-05-22 18:06:06.513 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:06.513 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:07.727 Unable to connect to database!
2005-05-22 18:06:07.728 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
2005-05-22 18:06:07.728 Failed to init MythContext, exiting.
eigentlich brauchst du apache und phpmyadmin dann garnicht. Die Verwaltung der MySQL Datenbank geht genauso über mysqlcc.
mysqlcc wurde anscheinend durch den MySQL Administrator ersetzt. Der ist auch in Suse 9.3 dabei.

installiere vielleicht das Paket qt3-mysql (das MySQL-Plugin für Qt) vorsichtshalber, wenn noch nicht geschehen. Dein MythTv findet keinen MySQL-Treiber. Wenn MythTv das Qt-Plugin nutzt sollte es dann funktionieren


Vielleicht solltest du besser einen extra Thread für dein MythTv-MySQL-Problem auf machen.
Bei deinem Problem mit Apache und phpMyAdmin kann ich dir leider nicht mehr helfen (außer dass du Apache und das dazugehörige neuinstallierst)
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.