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12.2 Apper dreht sich nur im Kreis


Ich hab jetzt drei Dosen mit 12.2 laufen, einmal neu von Life-USB-Stick, zweimal online-Update mit zypper dup und neuen Repositories.

Bei allen drei dasselbe Phaenomen: Der Apper meldet sich mit neuen Updates, meldet dann aber 'finished' ohne irgendwas zu tun und dann gehts wieder von vorn los.
Update mit zypper dup funktioniert aber.

LG ... Wolfi ;)


zerum schrieb:
Dieses Geraffel mit Apper und Packagekit ist das erste was bei mir immer deinstalliert wird. Blockiert nur zypper und yast, kann ich nicht gebrauchen.
Auch wenn ich zu ein Deinstallation rate, es lässt sich aber auch entsprechend einstellen und verwenden damit es ganz akzeptabel läuft. ;)


tomm.fa schrieb:
es lässt sich aber auch entsprechend einstellen und verwenden damit es ganz akzeptabel läuft. ;)
Dann schreib das mal zusammen und setze es ins Wiki, mal abgesehen davon das es jetzt nicht gerade 12.2 war und ich für Tests mal einige Paketquellen mehr verwendet hatte, habe ich letztens ein paar Tage mit apper rum experimentiert und nur Chaos und Müll erlebt.



Werde ich in meinem nächsten Urlaub (Herbstferien NRW) dann mal versuchen. ;)

Unter openSUSE 12.1 war es nur halb zu gebrauchen, davor hat es ja auch schonmal besser funktioniert.

In openSUSE 12.2 hat sich anscheinend einiges in der Sache mit PackageKit getan, hier gibt es auch (wieder) ein Extrapaket PackageKit-backend-zypp.
Die ersten Updates habe ich über Apper ohne Probleme, auf meinem PC, durchführen können und das einzigste Problem habe ich bisher bei pkcon, dieses möchte auf meinem 64-Bit System immer 32-Bit Pakete installieren, festgestellt.

Unter Mageia2 läuft ja alles reibungslos, wie es bei den anderen Distributionen aussieht (z.B. Fedora und (K)Ubuntu), werde ich dann eventuell auch mal schauen.

Hat vielleicht noch jemand die PackageKit.conf aus /etc/PackageKit/ von openSUSE 12.1 zur Hand?


Bitte schoen, hier

# Only the system administrator should modify this file, ordinary users
# should not have to change anything.


# Should we log transactions to the database.
# default=true

# Use NetworkManager where available. If disabled, then NM state will be ignored.
# default=true

# Use Connman where available. If disabled, then Connman state will be ignored.
# default=false

# If neither NetworkManager nor ConnMan is not available, then use the presence
# of default route to indicate a viable network connection.
# If disabled, and no NM or CM, then the network is assumed to be always online.
# default=true

# If we should use the estimated time value.
# This will be inaccurate where backends do not send proportional percentage
# changed signals, or when updates are not frequent enough.
# Estimated time will then only be used when the prediction accuracy is high
# enough and will not be set at the very start or end of a transaction.
# default=true

# Shut down the daemon after this many seconds idle. 0 means don't shutdown.
# default=300

# Unlock the backend after this many seconds idle.
# default=5

# Set the priority of the spawned backend to this priority.
# This ensures the process does not hog the system when performing actions.
# Values range from -20 (most favorable) to 19 (least favorable)
# A niceness value of 0 will not attempt to set any priority.
# default=0

# Set the priority of the spawned backend to this priority for low priority tasks.
# This ensures the process does not hog the system when performing actions.
# Values range from -20 (most favorable) to 19 (least favorable)
# A niceness value of 0 will not attempt to set any priority.
# default=10

# Set the iopriority class of the spawned backend to idle.
# This ensures the process does not hog the disk when performing actions.
# default=true

# Set the iopriority class of the spawned backend to idle for low priority tasks.
# This ensures the process does not hog the disk when performing actions.
# default=true

# Set whether the spawned backends are allowed to be SIGKILLed if they do not
# respond to SIGQUIT. This ensures that Cancel() works as expected, but
# somtimes can corrupt databases if they are open.
# Only change this to FALSE if your backend can not be SIGKILLed without
# database corruption.
# Even if this is set TRUE, the backend can still enforce this FALSE if it it
# explicitly set in the compiled backend. You can think of this as a fallback
# value that is used when backends do not enforce policy, or as a way to disable
# SIGKILL even for backends that calim to support it.
# default=true

# Default backends, as chosen in the configure script. This will be used
# where no --backend="foo" option is given to the daemon.
# The order they are specified is the order they are tried, so for the
# value "foo,bar" first "foo" will be attempted and then "bar" if the
# libpk_backend_foo.so module load failed.
# default=zypp

# Use syslog to audit and log actions where available.
# default=false

# Proxy settings, uncomment as required
# NOTE: PackageKit does not use these settings, they are passed to backends.
# Backends may ignore these values. If either of ProxyHTTP or ProxyFTP
# are set then the users proxy settings are ignored.
# They are in the format username:password@server:port
# ProxyHTTP=username:password@server.lan:8080
# ProxyHTTPS=username:password@server.lan:8080
# ProxyFTP=server.lan:21
# ProxySOCKS=server.lan:21
# NoProxy=internal.webserver
# PAC=/etc/proxy.pac

# Scan installed desktop files when we update or install packages
# NOTE: Don't enable this for backends that are slow doing SearchFile()
# default=true

# Update the package list when we refresh the cache
# NOTE: Don't enable this for backends that are slow doing GetPackages()
# default=true

# Check for running processes when we update packages
# NOTE: Don't enable this for backends that are slow doing GetFiles() on
# installed files.
# default=true

# Check for shared libraries that are in use, that are replaced by packages
# that are marked as security updates.
# NOTE: Don't enable this for backends that are slow doing GetFiles() on
# installed files.
# default=true

# Check for updates in testing repositories when we check for updates
# NOTE: Don't enable this if you do not want testing updates to be checked
# as this will increase the network bandwidth used.
# default=true

# Use update cache when possible to avoid using the backend
# NOTE: Enabling this reduces calls to the backend, although using the
# SetHints(cache-age) parameter will return unpredicable results for
# transactions.
# default=false

# Use strict developer checking in the daemon
# This should be set to TRUE if the backend should be run in strict compliance
# mode, which is useful when developing a backend. Normal sane users should not
# have to use this mode.
# If this is set to FALSE, then the daemon will try to 'fix' any craziness in
# the backend without notifying the end user.
# default=false

# The time in seconds to wait when we get the StateHasChanged method
# This should be used when a native tool has been used, and the update UIs
# should be updated to reflect reality.
# default=30

# The time in seconds to wait after the computer has been resumed or any non
# package related system event
# We don't want to be doing an update check at the busy time after a resume
# default=600

# The maximum number of requests a given user is able to request and queue
# Setting this lower decreases the risk of a local denial of service, but may
# cause errors if the desktop client is doing many requests to the daemon in a
# short period of time.
# default=500

# The maximum number of items that can be resolved in one method
# Setting this lower decreases the risk of a local denial of service, but may
# cause errors if the desktop client is trying to resolve a large number of
# packages in one method.
# default=100

# The maximum number of packages that can be processed in one method
# Setting this lower decreases the risk of a local denial of service, but may
# cause errors if the desktop client is trying to do a large transaction.
# default=2500

# How long the transaction is valid before it's destroyed, in seconds
# The client only has a finite amount of time to use the object, else it is
# destroyed. Setting this longer will allow malicious clients to queue up large
# number of authentication requests, but setting this shorter will reduce the
# amount of time the user has to authenticate.
# default=300

# How long the transaction should be queriable after it is finished, in seconds
# Give the client a few seconds to still query the transaction after it has
# finished by keeping it on the bus. Setting this larger allows clients to query
# the transaction without accessing the database, but increases memory usage.
# default=5

# If certain operations should be done using IDLE bandwidth
# TCP Low Priority is a congestion control algorithm included in the kernel.
# Connections using this algorithm will use only idle bandwidth. In other words,
# it is a self-tuning TCP stack. Setting this to FALSE will mean that the check
# for updates happens more quickly, at the expense of other network applications
# such as firefox and other file downloaders.
# If the user is running the network at 100% for extended periods of time, then
# the update check may be starved and take a very long time to complete. In this
# rare case, this setting should be set to FALSE.
# By also setting this setting to TRUE makes the possibility of a environment
# mismatch much higher for a spawned backend. This will make switching from idle
# operations (such as GetUpdates) and full speed operations (such as
# InstallPackages) take longer. If this is a concern, then set this to FALSE.
# default=true

# Processes that cannot be updated when they are running
# Some processes do not cope well when they are upgraded when the binary is
# running. These include things like firefox, where updating causes the original
# instance to misbehave as some components are not locked in memory.
# Applications can be added here that do not cope well with being updated.
# NOTE: you should not list applications here that the user has no permission
# or cannot shutdown without the session exploding. For instance, listing
# /sbin/dbus-daemon or /usr/sbin/haldaemon would be a really bad idea.
# Seporate entries can be seporated with the ';' character.
# default=/usr/lib*/*/firefox

# If the backend should use threads to avoid blocking the daemon for other users
# The daemon, packagekitd, is shared by multiple users. Users are allowed to
# create and send transactions when other transactions are being processed.
# To do this, the backend action is created in a thread, but some libraries
# notably libdbus and dbus-glib, are less threadsafe then they probably should
# be.
# Only developers need to change this value, normally for debugging purposes.
# default=true

# If a custom root should be used when installing packages
# A custom route can be used to install to a LTSP instance or a virtual machine
# image, typically using chroot or by mounting an image using virt-inspector.
# Additional authentication is required to change the root from the default.
# Most users do not need to change this value, as you need to have setup a
# native package database (e.g. the rpmdb) on the new root.
# default=/

# If background tasks should be cancelled if a foreground one is committed
# This allows us to have session agents automatically using PackageKit,
# and for any in-flight requests to be cancelled and automatically
# requeued if a high-priority transaction is added.
# This avoids the user waiting for actions such as installing software
# or when getting lists of uninstalled software for BASH when programs
# like gnome-settings-daemon are checking for updates or refreshing the
# cache in the background.
# Set this value to be false if transactions cannot be safely or sanely
# cancelled.
# default=true

das ist jungfraeulich, nie benutzt, nie veraendert.
Generell mache ich updates mit "zypper", Paketsuche mit yAST

