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[gelöst] OpenSuseUpdater aktualisiert gar nicht mehr

Hallo zusammen,

ich bekomme seit Anfang Juli keine Updates mehr für meine Suse.

Es fing an mit Fehlermeldungen meines OpenSuseUpdaters, die ich jetzt nicht mehr wiedergeben kann. Eine davon bezog sich auf die veraltete Packman-URL der IUB Bremen, die ich zwar mit Hilfe des bereits vorhandenen Threads geändert habe, aber dennoch kriege ich keinerlei Sicherheitsupdates mehr.

Ich habe daraufhin ein wenig an der Konfiguration der Online-Repositories herumgewerkelt, als wahrscheinlichste als Fehlerursache erschien mir, dass ich nur 11.0-Repos in meiner Liste habe, obwohl mir unter "Mein System" 11.3 als Version angezeigt wird. So fügte ich die offiziellen Repo-URLs für 11.3 hinzu und deaktivierte jene für 11.0 .

Zwischenzeitlich war ich dann irgendwann mal soweit, dass ich keine Fehlermeldung mehr bekam und stattdessen den Hinweis, dass es 1033 Updates für mein System gäbe (ich hatte die Konfiguration dahingehend erweitert, dass der OpenSuseUpdater nicht nur Sicherheitsupdates "klarmacht", sondern auch all die, welche für die bei mir installierte Software verfügbar sind).
Diese habe ich dann alle ausgewählt, woraufhin der OpenSuseUpdater mir eine Fortschrittsleiste zeigte, die auch nach einer halben Stunde auch noch bei 0% war. Ein paar Minuten beobachtete ich das ganze, CPU-Auslastung und Download-Volumen lagen nahe null.

Nun, nach weiteren Misskonfigurationen, bekomme ich vom OpenSuseUpdater zur Abwechslung mal wieder eine Fehlermeldung:

Refresh failed: Error: Could not refresh repository 'openSUSE BuildService - OpenOffice.org': Failed to cache repo (4). History: - 'repo2solv.sh' '-o' '/var/cache/zypp/solv/http:__download.opensuse.org_repositories_OpenOffice.org:_STABLE_openSUSE_11.3_/solv' '/var/cache/zypp/raw/http:__download.opensuse.org_repositories_OpenOffice.org:_STABLE_openSUSE_11.3_' cat: primary.xml*: No such file or directory repo_rpmmd: no element found at line 1:0 Error: Could not refresh repository 'Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository': Failed to cache repo (4). History: - 'repo2solv.sh' '-o' '/var/cache/zypp/solv/http:__download.opensuse.org_update_11.3__1/solv' '/var/cache/zypp/raw/http:__download.opensuse.org_update_11.3__1' cat: primary.xml*: No such file or directory repo_rpmmd: no element found at line 1:0

Meine Repo-Liste sieht wie folgt aus:


Der "Mein System"-Panel liefert folgende Info:

Linux i686
System: openSUSE 11.3 (i586)
KDE: 3.5.9 "release 49.2"

Mir ist kein bisschen klar, was los ist -- habe ich was verkonfiguriert oder ist auf den Repo-Servern was nicht in Ordnung?

Für jegliche Info und Hilfe bin ich dankbar.


Da stimmt ja wohl was komplett nicht.
Zum Einen sind Repos von 11.0 und 11.3 gemischt und zum Anderen passt die Kernelversion nicht zu OS 11.3

Welches OS hätten Sie gerne? 11.0 wird nämlich nicht mehr mit Updates versorgt.
Falls 11.3, dann alle Repos mit 11.3 tauschen, Zypper updaten und dann ein komplettes Systemupdate hinterherschieben.
Lesestoff gibts unter http://www.linux-club.de/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=106080


Packman steht noch auf SUSE 11.0; Update Repo ist doppelt; OSS hat Update als Namen usw.
Edit: Wieder zu langsam.


Ups, da war ich wohl blind. Danke für's Draufstubsen...

Nun hab ich nur noch http://download.opensuse.org//update/11.3/ als Repo drin, um die verschiedenen Fehlermeldungen von oben auseinanderzuklamüsern und Stück für Stück anzugehen, und bekomme da eine Fehlermeldung, die auf einen Bug zurückgeht (https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=624046), so dass ich wohl auf einen Fix warten muss, den ich wegen exakt dieses Problems nicht ohne weiteres bekommen kann :/


tomm.fa schrieb:
christianhb schrieb:
Nun hab ich nur noch http://download.opensuse.org//update/11.3/ als Repo drin,
Das wäre, gelinde ausgedrückt, dumm.

Ich weiß, aber ich wollte ermitteln welche Quelle welchen Fehler liefert. Und das ist zufälligerweise die mit dem Bug.


#  | Alias                                                                           | Name                                   | Aktiviert | Auffrischen | URI
1  | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.3/                                       | Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository        | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.3/
2  | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OpenOffice.org:/STABLE/openSUSE_11.3/ | openSUSE BuildService - OpenOffice.org | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OpenOffice.org:/STABLE/openSUSE_11.3/
3  | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.3/                | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla        | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.3/
4  | openSUSE-DVD 11.0                                                               | openSUSE-DVD 11.0                      | Nein      | Nein        | cd:///?devices=/dev/sr1,/dev/sr0
5  | OpenOffice_1                                                                    | OpenOffice                             | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OpenOffice.org%3a/STABLE/openSUSE_11.0
6  | Packman                                                                         | Packman                                | Ja        | Ja          | http://packman.jacobs-university.de/suse/11.3
7  | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.3/_1                                     | Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository        | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.3/
8  | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.3/repo/non-oss/                    | Haupt-Repository (NON-OSS)             | Nein      | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.3/repo/non-oss/
9  | repo-11.3-oss                                                                   | openSUSE-11.3 OSS                      | Nein      | Nein        | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.3/repo/oss/
10 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates                                                           | openSUSE-11.0-Updates                  | Ja        | Ja          | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.0/

Die 11.0-Quelle ganz am Ende ist automatisch hinzugefügt worden...

Ich steige nicht mehr durch. Was ist das für ein skurriler Bug, auf den ich da gestoßen bin? Theoretisch müsste doch niemand mehr Sicherheits-Updates bekommen. Kann man sich die nicht irgendwo als RPMs runterladen oder ähnliches? Habe seit fast 2 Monaten keine mehr eingespielt...


Dann hast du dir dein System irgendwie durch ein halbes Upgrade (wohl von 11.0 auf 11.3) vergurkt.
Für 11.0 gibt es nix mehr, das Repo kann/muss raus.

zypper lr -P
Wenn die Prioritäten passen, mal

zypper in -f zypper
zypper ve
zypper inr

Spinnt das System dann immer noch, ein zypper -v dup hinterherschieben.


christianhb schrieb:
Nun hab ich nur noch http://download.opensuse.org//update/11.3/ als Repo drin
Hast du nicht, außerdem ist es deaktiviert und nur die beiden Repos Packman & Update (für 11.0) sind aktiv.
Repo 4, 5, 7 und 10 können entfernt werden:
zypper rr 4 5 7 10


lOtz1009 schrieb:
zypper in -f zypper
zypper ve
zypper inr

Ups... getan, aber nach dem Reboot hat mein KDE plötzlich kein KMenu mehr und auch kein Systray :/ Dabei sind beim Ausführen der Befehle keine auffälligen Probleme aufgetreten (die zwei Fehlermeldungen, die ich an der Konsole sehen konnte, bezogen sich auf OpenOffice- und Perl-Pakete).

Viel schlimmer ist dass sich KEINS der Items in dem Yast-Fenster mehr aufrufen lässt -- es kommt kurz ein Sanduhr-Mauszeiger, aber ansonsten passiert nix :( Wie gut dass ich noch WinXP draufhab.

Hier mal zwei Logs, "messages" und "y2log". Der Reboot war gegen 15:21:13 ... kann hier wegen der Größenbeschränkung nicht die ganzen Dateien posten.

Aug 28 15:20:20 linux-evm3 shutdown[6461]: shutting down for system reboot
Aug 28 15:20:21 linux-evm3 init: Switching to runlevel: 6
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 avahi-dnsconfd[3251]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 smartd[3384]: smartd received signal 15: Terminated
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 smartd[3384]: smartd is exiting (exit status 0)
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 smpppd[3278]: terminating on signal 15
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 auditd[3184]: The audit daemon is exiting.
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3208]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Aug 28 15:20:22 linux-evm3 sshd[3232]: Received signal 15; terminating.
Aug 28 15:20:23 linux-evm3 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
Aug 28 15:20:23 linux-evm3 kernel: Kernel log daemon terminating.
Aug 28 15:20:23 linux-evm3 syslog-ng[2001]: syslog-ng version 1.6.12 going down
Aug 28 15:21:13 linux-evm3 syslog-ng[1846]: syslog-ng version 1.6.12 starting
Aug 28 15:21:16 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: batch committing...
Aug 28 15:21:17 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules set to CLOSE.
Aug 28 15:21:17 linux-evm3 hald[2049]: error in fdi file /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-tabletPCs.fdi:37: mismatched tag
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.623:2): operation="profile_load" name="/bin/ping" name2="default" pid=1590
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.654:3): operation="profile_load" name="/sbin/klogd" name2="default" pid=1601
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.731:4): operation="profile_load" name="/sbin/syslog-ng" name2="default" pid=1603
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.767:5): operation="profile_load" name="/sbin/syslogd" name2="default" pid=1604
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.807:6): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon" name2="default" pid=1605
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.843:7): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/identd" name2="default" pid=1606
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.875:8): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/mdnsd" name2="default" pid=1607
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.931:9): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name2="default" pid=1608
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: type=1505 audit(1283001671.967:10): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/traceroute" name2="default" pid=1609
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ processors (2 cpu cores) (version 2.20.00)
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8:    0 : fid 0x10 (2400 MHz), vid 0xc
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8:    1 : fid 0xe (2200 MHz), vid 0xe
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8:    2 : fid 0xc (2000 MHz), vid 0x10
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8:    3 : fid 0xa (1800 MHz), vid 0x10
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: powernow-k8:    4 : fid 0x2 (1000 MHz), vid 0x12
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 6 devices found
Aug 28 15:21:18 linux-evm3 kernel: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -125936433 ns)
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup:     lo        
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup:     lo        
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup: IP address:  
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup:  
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup:               
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup: IP address:  
Aug 28 15:21:20 linux-evm3 ifup:  
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 ifup:     eth0      device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2)
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 ifup-dhcp:     eth0      (DHCP) 
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 ifup-dhcp: . 
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 dhcpcd[2687]: eth0: dhcpcd 3.2.3 starting
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 dhcpcd[2687]: eth0: hardware address = 00:18:f3:65:5d:e2
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Aug 28 15:21:21 linux-evm3 dhcpcd[2687]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Aug 28 15:21:22 linux-evm3 ifup-dhcp: . 
Aug 28 15:21:31 linux-evm3 syslog-ng[1846]: last message repeated 8 times
Aug 28 15:21:31 linux-evm3 kernel: eth0: no IPv6 routers present
Aug 28 15:21:31 linux-evm3 ifup-dhcp: . 
Aug 28 15:21:36 linux-evm3 syslog-ng[1846]: last message repeated 4 times
Aug 28 15:21:36 linux-evm3 ifup-dhcp: no IP address yet... backgrounding. 
Aug 28 15:21:36 linux-evm3 ifup:     eth1      device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2)
Aug 28 15:21:36 linux-evm3 ifup:               No configuration found for eth1
Aug 28 15:21:40 linux-evm3 ifup:     dsl0      
Aug 28 15:21:40 linux-evm3 ifup:     dsl0      Startmode is 'manual'
Aug 28 15:21:41 linux-evm3 auditd[3111]: Started dispatcher: /sbin/audispd pid: 3113
Aug 28 15:21:41 linux-evm3 auditd[3111]: Init complete, auditd 1.6.8 listening for events (startup state disable)
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 audispd: af_unix plugin initialized
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 audispd: audispd initialized with q_depth=64 and 1 active plugins
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 sshd[3127]: Server listening on port 22.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 sshd[3127]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 102) and group 'avahi' (GID 104).
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: avahi-daemon 0.6.22 starting up.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Loading service file /etc/avahi/services/sftp-ssh.service.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Loading service file /etc/avahi/services/ssh.service.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Registering new address record for fe80::218:f3ff:fe65:5de2 on eth0.*.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Server startup complete. Host name is linux-evm3.local. Local service cookie is 3291096628.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Service "linux-evm3" (/etc/avahi/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Service "SFTP File Transfer on linux-evm3" (/etc/avahi/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
Aug 28 15:21:42 linux-evm3 avahi-daemon[3139]: Registering HINFO record with values 'I686'/'LINUX'.
Aug 28 15:21:46 linux-evm3 avahi-dnsconfd[3230]: Successfully connected to Avahi daemon.
Aug 28 15:21:47 linux-evm3 /usr/sbin/cron[3251]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: smartd 5.39 2008-05-08 21:56 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-8 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net 
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Opened configuration file /etc/smartd.conf
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Drive: DEVICESCAN, implied '-a' Directive on line 29 of file /etc/smartd.conf
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Configuration file /etc/smartd.conf was parsed, found DEVICESCAN, scanning devices
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Problem creating device name scan list
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sda, opened
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device /dev/sda: using '-d sat' for ATA disk behind SAT layer.
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sda, opened
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sda, found in smartd database.
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sda, is SMART capable. Adding to "monitor" list.
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sdb, opened
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device /dev/sdb: using '-d sat' for ATA disk behind SAT layer.
Aug 28 15:21:48 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sdb, opened
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sdb, found in smartd database.
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: Setting up rules from /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 ...
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: Warning: no default firewall zone defined, assuming 'ext'
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 smpppd[3274]: smpppd version 1.59_SVN16 started
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Device: /dev/sdb, is SMART capable. Adding to "monitor" list.
Aug 28 15:21:49 linux-evm3 smartd[3259]: Monitoring 0 ATA and 2 SCSI devices
Aug 28 15:21:50 linux-evm3 smartd[3309]: smartd has fork()ed into background mode. New PID=3309.
Aug 28 15:21:50 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: using default zone 'ext' for interface eth1
Aug 28 15:21:50 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: batch committing...
Aug 28 15:21:51 linux-evm3 SuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules successfully set
Aug 28 15:22:25 linux-evm3 ksysguard[3613]: *** WARNING *** The program 'ksysguard' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
Aug 28 15:22:25 linux-evm3 ksysguard[3613]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
Aug 28 15:22:25 linux-evm3 ksysguard[3613]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=ksysguard>
Aug 28 15:22:26 linux-evm3 ksysguardd[3695]: cannot open config file '/usr/etc/ksysguarddrc'
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU0 attaching NULL sched-domain.
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU1 attaching NULL sched-domain.
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU0 attaching sched-domain:
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel:  domain 0: span 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000003
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel:   groups: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000001 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000002
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU1 attaching sched-domain:
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel:  domain 0: span 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000003
Aug 28 15:22:29 linux-evm3 kernel:   groups: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000002 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000001
Aug 28 15:22:32 linux-evm3 python: hp-systray[3617]: error: dbus failed to load (python-dbus ver. 0.80+ required). Exiting...
Aug 28 15:22:43 linux-evm3 python: hp-systray(qt4)[3617]: error:  No system tray detected on this system.  Unable to start, exiting. 
Aug 28 15:28:39 linux-evm3 python: hp-systray[4114]: error: dbus failed to load (python-dbus ver. 0.80+ required). Exiting...
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU0 attaching NULL sched-domain.
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU1 attaching NULL sched-domain.
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU0 attaching sched-domain:
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel:  domain 0: span 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000003
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel:   groups: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000001 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000002
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel: CPU1 attaching sched-domain:
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel:  domain 0: span 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000003
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 kernel:   groups: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000002 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000001
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 ksysguardd[4216]: cannot open config file '/usr/etc/ksysguarddrc'
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 ksysguard[4113]: *** WARNING *** The program 'ksysguard' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 ksysguard[4113]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
Aug 28 15:28:40 linux-evm3 ksysguard[4113]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=ksysguard>
Aug 28 15:28:50 linux-evm3 python: hp-systray(qt4)[4114]: error:  No system tray detected on this system.  Unable to start, exiting. 
Aug 28 15:31:52 linux-evm3 su: (to root) anybody on /dev/pts/3
Aug 28 15:31:52 linux-evm3 su: (to root) anybody on /dev/pts/3
Aug 28 15:32:38 linux-evm3 su: (to root) anybody on /dev/pts/2

2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):668 Launched YaST2 component 'y2base' 'inst_source' '-S' 'qt'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):113 Creating UI component for ""
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):128 Returning existing UI component for "qt"
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2CCWFM.cc(createInLevel):148 Parsing finished
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(SetLanguage):503 GET encoding for de_DE.UTF-8:  UTF-8
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):822 YAST_IS_RUNNING is yes
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Confirm)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):128 Returning existing UI component for ""
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Label)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Mode)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Popup)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Directory)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (String)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Icon)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Linuxrc)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Stage)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Installation)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [Pkg] PkgModule.cc(instance):68 Redirecting ZYPP log to y2log
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Can't load module 'PackageCallbacks'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageLock)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Can't load module 'PackageSystem'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Report)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Summary)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Progress)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CommandLine)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (TypeRepository)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Address)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Hostname)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (IP)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Netmask)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (URL)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (XML)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (RichText)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Wizard)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSERelease)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (FileUtils)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Message)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (HTML)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Arch)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (InstURL)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CheckMedia)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Service)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (NetworkInterfaces)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Map)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewallServices)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PortAliases)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PortRanges)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Can't load module 'SourceManager'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceDialogs)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CWM)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'SourceManager' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceDialogs.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SourceDialogs' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Can't load module 'SourceDialogs'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (AddOnProduct)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackImportGpgKey' expects type <void (boolean (map <string, any>))> but module provides type <void (boolean (map <string, any>, integer))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/AddOnProduct.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Loading module 'AddOnProduct' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Can't load module 'AddOnProduct'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Sequencer)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceDialogs)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'SourceManager' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceDialogs.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SourceDialogs' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Can't load module 'SourceDialogs'.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:25 Unknown namespace 'SourceDialogs'. Missing 'import'?
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <3> linux-evm3(5988) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:25 syntax error, unexpected SCANNER_ERROR
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] Y2CCWFM.cc(createInLevel):148 Parsing finished
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Calling YaST client repositories
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <5> linux-evm3(5988) [liby2] Y2Component.cc(doActualWork):67 component ErrorComponent: stub function Y2Component::doActualWork() called
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Called YaST client returned.
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [wfm] WFMSubAgent.cc(~WFMSubAgent):41 Deleting SubAgent: 0 scr
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):837 Finished YaST2 component 'y2base'
2010-08-28 15:15:18 <1> linux-evm3(5988) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):842 Exiting with client return value 'nil'
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):668 Launched YaST2 component 'y2base' 'inst_source' '-S' 'qt'
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):113 Creating UI component for ""
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):128 Returning existing UI component for "qt"
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2CCWFM.cc(createInLevel):148 Parsing finished
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(SetLanguage):503 GET encoding for de_DE.UTF-8:  UTF-8
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):822 YAST_IS_RUNNING is yes
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Confirm)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [ui-component] YUIComponentCreator.cc(createInternal):128 Returning existing UI component for ""
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Label)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Mode)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Popup)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Directory)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (String)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Icon)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Linuxrc)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Stage)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Installation)
2010-08-28 15:15:31 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [Pkg] PkgModule.cc(instance):68 Redirecting ZYPP log to y2log
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:20 Can't load module 'PackageCallbacks'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageLock)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:22 Can't load module 'PackageSystem'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Report)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Summary)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Progress)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CommandLine)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (TypeRepository)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Address)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Hostname)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (IP)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Netmask)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (URL)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (XML)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (RichText)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Wizard)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSERelease)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (FileUtils)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Message)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (HTML)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Arch)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (InstURL)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CheckMedia)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Service)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (NetworkInterfaces)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Map)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewallServices)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PortAliases)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PortRanges)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:26 Can't load module 'SourceManager'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceDialogs)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (CWM)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Import 'SourceManager' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceDialogs.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Loading module 'SourceDialogs' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:27 Can't load module 'SourceDialogs'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (AddOnProduct)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackImportGpgKey' expects type <void (boolean (map <string, any>))> but module provides type <void (boolean (map <string, any>, integer))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/AddOnProduct.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Loading module 'AddOnProduct' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] clients/repositories.ycp:32 Can't load module 'AddOnProduct'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (Sequencer)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceDialogs)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SourceManager)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (SuSEFirewall)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageSystem)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2WFMComponent.cc(import):751 Y2WFMComponent::import (PackageCallbacks)
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'Pkg' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 A reference to 'Pkg::CallbackScriptStart' expects type <void (void (string, string, string, string, boolean))> but module provides type <void (void (string, string, string, string))>
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageCallbacks.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'PackageCallbacks' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'PackageCallbacks' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackageSystem.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'PackageSystem' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'PackageSystem' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SuSEFirewall.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SuSEFirewall' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'SuSEFirewall' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceManager.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SourceManager' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Import 'SourceManager' failed...
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Could not create its namespace
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [libycp] Bytecode.cc(readFile):1161 Caught invalid bytecode in '/usr/share/YaST2/modules/SourceDialogs.ybc'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Loading module 'SourceDialogs' failed
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Can't load module 'SourceDialogs'.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:25 Unknown namespace 'SourceDialogs'. Missing 'import'?
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <3> linux-evm3(6014) [Parser] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:25 syntax error, unexpected SCANNER_ERROR
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] Y2CCWFM.cc(createInLevel):148 Parsing finished
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Calling YaST client repositories
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <5> linux-evm3(6014) [liby2] Y2Component.cc(doActualWork):67 component ErrorComponent: stub function Y2Component::doActualWork() called
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [Interpreter] packager/inst_source_dialogs.ycp:21 Called YaST client returned.
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [wfm] WFMSubAgent.cc(~WFMSubAgent):41 Deleting SubAgent: 0 scr
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):837 Finished YaST2 component 'y2base'
2010-08-28 15:15:32 <1> linux-evm3(6014) [liby2] genericfrontend.cc(main):842 Exiting with client return value 'nil'


Würd ich gerne ausführen, aber zypper will eine bestehende Online-Verbindung, und ich sehe mich außerstande, ohne SysTray und Startmenü eine Internetverbindung herzustellen. Ich kenne keine anderen Weg als KInternet, und es scheint nicht möglich zu sein, diese Anwendung von der Konsole aus zum Herstellen einer Internetverbindung zu bewegen. Hat da jemand einen Tipp?


OK, nach einigem Probieren hab ich's dann geschafft.

Allerdings ist jetzt automatisch auf KDE4 aktualisiert worden, und bei dem Vorgang (oder anderen Aktualisierungen) scheint so einiges vermurkst worden zu sein: 1. Yast lässt sich nur sporadisch aufrufen (mal geht's, mal nicht) 2. Ich habe gar keinen Sound mehr obwohl unter KDE3 alles einwandfrei lief (es liegt auch nicht an Stummschaltung etc.) 3. Die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Eingeben der Login-Daten und dem Erscheinen des Desktops liegt bei etwa einer Minute (nicht nur nach Neustart sondern auch nach Abmelden und sofortigem Wiederanmelden).

Ich werde ein altes Partitions-Image mit KDE3 einspielen und versuchen, die Update-Probleme anders zu lösen.

Trotzdem danke für Eure Tipps.