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Hallo, ich habe dvdauthor installiert aber ich finde in nicht im menü. wenn ich den befehl eingene dvdauthor passiert nicht. auch wenn ich unter usr/bin auf dvdauthor drücke passiert auch nichts. wenn ich dvdauthor in der konsole eingebe kommt folgendes:

DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.11.
Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <dvdauthor-users@lists.sourceforge.net>

syntax: dvdauthor [-o VTSBASE] [options] VOBFILE(s)

-x XMLFILE where XMLFILE is a configuration file describing the
structure of the DVD to create. If you use a config file, then you
do not need to specify any other options, except -o.

--video=VOPTS or -v VOPTS where VOPTS is a plus (+) separated list of
video options. dvdauthor will try to infer any unspecified options.
pal, ntsc, 4:3, 16:9, 720xfull, 720x576, 720x480, 704xfull,
704x576, 704x480, 352xfull, 352x576, 352x480, 352xhalf,
352x288, 352x240, nopanscan, noletterbox.
Default is ntsc, 4:3, 720xfull

--audio=AOPTS or -a AOPTS where AOPTS is a plus (+) separated list of
options for an audio track, with each track separated by a
comma (,). For example -a ac3+en,mp2+de specifies two audio
tracks: the first is an English track encoded in AC3, the second is
a German track encoded using MPEG-1 layer 2 compression.
ac3, mp2, pcm, dts, 16bps, 20bps, 24bps, drc, surround, nolang,
1ch, 2ch, 3ch, 4ch, 5ch, 6ch, 7ch, 8ch, and any two letter
ISO 639 language abbreviation.
Default is 1 track, mp2, 20bps, nolang, 2ch.
'ac3' implies drc, 6ch.

--subpictures=SOPTS or -s SOPTS where SOPTS is a plus (+) separated list
of options for a subpicture track, with each track separated by a
comma (,).
nolang and any two letter language abbreviation (see -a)
Default is no subpicture tracks.

--palette[=FILE] or -p FILE or -P where FILE specifies where to get the
subpicture palette. Settable per title and per menu. If the
filename ends in .rgb (case insensitive) then it is assumed to be
RGB, otherwise it is YUV. Entries should be 6 hexadecimal digits.
FILE defaults to xste-palette.dat

--file=FILE or -f FILE or FILE where FILE is either a file, a pipe, or a
shell command ending in | which supplies an MPEG-2 system stream
with VOB sectors inserted in the appropriate places
(using mplex -f 8 to generate)

--chapter[=COPTS] or -c COPTS or -C where COPTS is a comma (,)
separated list of chapter markers. Each marker is of the form
[[h:]mm:]ss[.frac] and is relative to the SCR of the next file
listed (independent of any timestamp transposing that occurs within
dvdauthor). The chapter markers ONLY apply to the next file listed.
COPTS defaults to 0

--menu or -m creates a menu.

--title or -t creates a title.

--toc or -T creates the table of contents file instead of a titleset.
If this option is used, it should be listed first, and you may not
specify any titles.

--entry=EOPTS or -e EOPTS makes the current menu the default for
certain circumstances. EOPTS is a comma separated list of any of:
for TOC menus: title
for VTS menus: root, ptt, audio, subtitle, angle

--button or -b DEST specifies what command to issue for each button.
See --instructions or -i for a description of

--instructions or -i post=DEST executes the DEST instructions at the
end of the title.

--fpc or -F CMD sets the commands to be executed when the disc is first

--jumppad or -j enables the creation of jumppads, which allow greater
flexibility in choosing jump/call desinations.

--help or -h displays this screen.

warum startet dvdauthor nicht. yast sagt mir das alle abhängigkeiten ok sind


Ultimate Guru
syntax: dvdauthor [-o VTSBASE] [options] VOBFILE(s)

das ist ein Kommandozeilenprogramm OHNE GUI, d.h. du musst einen korrekten Aufruf mit Parameter eingeben ...


wenn ich den befehl eingebe bekomme ich folgende meldung:

sascha@0-11-2f-b5-c0-19:~> syntax: dvdauthor [-o VTSBASE] [options] VOBFILE(s)
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('