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[gelöst] Schon wieder Probleme mit Amarok


nachdem ich gestern ein Upgrade mit apt-get durchgeführt habe, kann ich keine musik mehr abspielen, da Xine fehlt....

linux:~ # apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
amarok-arts: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-gstreamer: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-helix: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-xine: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using --fix-broken.

Was kann ich machen um das wieder zum laufen zu bekommen ??? Deistallieren geht auch nicht, da gibt es eine ähnliche Fehlermeldung ?? Wo bekomme ich die neuen Versionen denn her ?!



Ich benutze SUSE 10.0 und meine sources.list sieht wie folgt aus...

# A very basic sources.list file.
# Remove "base" in case you are behind a slow connection.
# Fastest repository comes first, with netselect it is possible to determine
# the fastest repository easily.
# Visit the server to determine which apt components are provided.

# rpm ftp://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 base update security rpmkeys
rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 base update security rpmkeys
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 base
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 extra
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 funktronics
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 gnome
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 jacklab
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 java
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kde
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kde-unstable
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kde3-stable
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kernel-of-the-day
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kolab
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 kraxel
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 mozilla
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 openoffice
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 packman-i686
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 packman
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 rpmkeys
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 samba3
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 security
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-people
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-projects
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-agirardet
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-crauch
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-gbv
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-guru
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jengelh
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jogley
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-liviudm
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-oc2pus
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-ollakka
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 packman packman-i686
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-rbos
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-scorot
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-scrute
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-tcousin
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 update
# rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 usr-local-bin
rpm ftp://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/10.0-i386 wine

# The list with all available components can be found at:
# http://linix01.gwdg.de/apt4rpm
# Some components provide experimental software, select wisely!
# http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.0-i386/examples/sources.list.FTP

# Consult the link above if you want to include uri's for src rpms


Ultimate Guru
Nimm mal die hier verlinkte sources.list:
Wo hast du die Liste her, wenn ich fragen darf? Denn die ist etwas 'exotisch'.

Dann mal mit dieser Liste 'apt update' und danach 'apt install amarok amarok-arts amarok-helix amarok-helix-backend amarok-libvisual amarok-xine amarok-xmms' ausführen. Ich vermute, du hast bislang 'apt update' nicht ausgeführt...


Die hab self-made von anderen kopiert, weisst ja wie das ist. Halt Anfänger... habe jetzt die neue sources.list benutzt, leider hab ich immer noch den Fehler

linux:/etc/apt # apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
amarok-arts: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-gstreamer: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-helix: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-xine: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using --fix-broken.
linux:/etc/apt #


Ultimate Guru
Ich schreib doch:
'apt update' und danach 'apt upgrade' ausführen...
Vor jedem upgrade muss apt sich das aktuelle Inhaltsverzeichnis auf dem Server holen. Das machst du mit 'apt update'. Erst dann kann apt loslegen.


Moin Geier0815,

doch ich habe zuvor apt-get update ausgeführt !!!

linux:/etc/apt # apt install amarok amarok-arts amarok-helix amarok-helix-backend amarok-libvisual amarok-xine amarok-xmms
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
amarok-arts is already the newest version.
amarok-helix is already the newest version.
amarok-helix-backend is already the newest version.
amarok-xine is already the newest version.
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

Muss ich vielleicht am apt/cache irgendwas ändern oder so ?!



Ultimate Guru
Mach mal ein
'apt policy apt install amarok amarok-arts amarok-helix amarok-helix-backend amarok-libvisual amarok-xine amarok-xmms'


Schick uns bitte mal die komplette Konsolenausgabe, inklusive dein apt-get update.

Ich habe gestern mit folgender sources.list ein dist-upgrade gemacht...

# sources.list
# für 32bit Systeme
# http-Version
# version 0.4

# Hilfereiche Links:
# http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.0-i386/
# http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.0-i386/
# http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.0-i386/examples/
# http://linux-club.de/viewtopic.php?t=16317
# http://apt4rpm.sourceforge.net

# die Signaturen der RPMs von den Paketerstellern zur Verfügung gestellt
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 rpmkeys
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 rpmkeys

# basis Packete, der CD/DVD Inhalt der SuSE-Distribution
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 base
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 base

# Java 4 SuSE
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 java
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 java

# das was auch via YaST/You zur Verfügung gestellt wird
# *-drpm und *-prpm sollten vermieden werden, Problematische Packete!
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update-drpm
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update-drpm
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update-prpm
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 update-prpm
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 security
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 security
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 security-prpm
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 security-prpm

rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 extra
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 extra

# vermutlich bleeding-edge Pakete .. hohes Risiko
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 usr-local-bin
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 usr-local-bin

# alles was man für apt, apt4rpm, synaptic, kynaptic braucht
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-rbos
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-rbos

# SUPER Packete, gefährlich!
# http://www.slo-fi.de/linux/
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-agirardet
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-agirardet

# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-crauch
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-crauch

#Viele Multimedia-Pakete, mplayer, streamripper und lame z. B. 
rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jengelh
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jengelh

# guru rpm, i.d.R. stable und vertrauenswürdig
# Beschreibungen siehe hier http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-guru
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-guru

# apollon, giFT, Video-Bearbeitung
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-scorot
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-scorot

# neue gnome RPMs
rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jogley
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suser-jogley

# packman, i.d.R. stable und vertrauenswürdig
# siehe Beschreibung zu den RPMs hier: http://packman.links2linux.de/
rpm        http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 packman packman-i686
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 packman packman-i686

# Kernel des Tages, unstable!
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 kernel-of-the-day
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 kernel-of-the-day

# aktuelle wine versionen
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 wine
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 wine

# Sammelsurium bleeding-edge Pakete
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-people
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-people

# apache, apache2, samba, php in der neuesten Version
# Achtung, auch Beta Versionen von manchen Programmen!
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-projects
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 suse-projects

# KDE Beta Versionen
# rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 kde-unstable
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 kde-unstable

# Einige neue Repos
rpm      http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 kde mozilla openoffice suser-gbv suser-tcousin
# rpm-src  http://ftp4.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt SuSE/10.0-i386 mozilla openoffice suser-gbv suser-tcousin
...und da war unter anderem eine neue amaroK Version dabei, läuft hier absolut problemlos! 8)


Dann hab ich

linux:/etc/apt # apt policy apt install amarok amarok-arts amarok-helix amarok-helix-backend amarok-libvisual amarok-xine amarok-xmms
Installed: 0.5.15cnc7-6
Candidate: 0.5.15cnc7-6
Version Table:
*** 0.5.15cnc7-6 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
100 RPM Database
Installed: 1.3.1-8.2
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
*** 1.3.1-8.2 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/update pkglist
100 RPM Database
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
Installed: 1.3.7-3
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
*** 1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
100 RPM Database
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
Installed: 1.3.7-3
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
*** 1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
100 RPM Database
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/extra pkglist
Installed: 1.3.7-3
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
*** 1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
100 RPM Database
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/extra pkglist
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
Installed: 1.3.7-3
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
*** 1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
100 RPM Database
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 1.3.7-3
Version Table:
1.3.7-3 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist
1.3.7-2.guru.suse100 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist
1.3.1-7 0
500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist
W: Unable to locate package install


die hab ich auch bei mir drin und allse funktioniert. aber vergiss nicht :!: ersetzen und nicht einfach dazu schmeissen :!:


Also mit der Liste von stokedfish klappte es leider auch nicht...

linux:/etc/apt # gedit sources.list
linux:/etc/apt # apt-get update
Get:1 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386 release [13.5kB]
Fetched 13.5kB in 0s (45.6kB/s)
Get:1 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/rpmkeys pkglist [5801B]
Get:2 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/rpmkeys release [133B]
Get:3 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base pkglist [5603kB]
Get:4 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/base release [131B]
Get:5 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/java pkglist [214kB]
Get:6 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/java release [131B]
Get:7 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/update pkglist [392kB]
Get:8 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/update release [132B]
Get:9 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/security pkglist [243kB]
Get:10 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/security release [134B]
Get:11 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/extra pkglist [57.5kB]
Get:12 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/extra release [132B]
Get:13 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-rbos pkglist [11.6kB]
Get:14 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-rbos release [136B]
Get:15 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-jengelh pkglist [39.3kB]
Get:16 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-jengelh release [139B]
Get:17 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru pkglist [240kB]
Get:18 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-guru release [136B]
Get:19 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-jogley pkglist [1434B]
Get:20 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-jogley release [139B]
Get:21 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/packman pkglist [325kB]
Get:22 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/packman release [133B]
Get:23 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/packman-i686 pkglist [72.9kB]
Get:24 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/packman-i686 release [138B]
Get:25 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde pkglist [550kB]
Get:26 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/kde release [129B]
Get:27 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/mozilla pkglist [14B]
Get:28 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/mozilla release [134B]
Get:29 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/openoffice pkglist [387kB]
Get:30 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/openoffice release [136B]
Get:31 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-gbv pkglist [80.7kB]
Get:32 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-gbv release [135B]
Get:33 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-tcousin pkglist [7467B]
Get:34 http://ftp4.gwdg.de SuSE/10.0-i386/suser-tcousin release [140B]
Fetched 8234kB in 39s (209kB/s)
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Del gtk-sharp 1.0.10-9 [628kB]
Del gnome-nettool 1.4.1-3 [235kB]
Del gnome-blog 0.9-6 [82.4kB]
Del orbit2 2.12.4-3 [163kB]
Del libbtctl 0.5.0-5 [37.7kB]
Del gtk2 2.8.8-3 [3721kB]
Del gucharmap 1.4.4-3 [1579kB]
Del gnome2-SuSE 10.0-12 [925kB]
Del gtk-sharp2 2.7.1-5 [2821kB]
Del xmms-lib 1.2.10-84 [986kB]
Del libbonoboui 2.10.1-8 [367kB]
Del evolution-exchange 2.4.2-3 [599kB]
Del libbonobo 2.10.1-6 [423kB]
Del python-gtk 2.8.2-3 [1091kB]
Del pan 0.14.2-85 [831kB]
Del gnome-applets 2.12.2-5 [5379kB]
Del libidl 0.8.6-4 [93.8kB]
Del gtkspell 2.0.11-8 [20.8kB]
Del mozilla 1.7.12-6 [9113kB]
Del planner 0.13-18 [2355kB]
Del libsigc++2 2.0.16-4 [42.3kB]
Del eel 2.12.2-3 [366kB]
Del shared-mime-info 0.16-6 [259kB]
Del kdelibs3-arts 3.5.0-14 [162kB]
Del eog 2.12.2-3 [785kB]
Del libgtkhtml 2.6.3-12 [211kB]
Del gtkmm24 2.8.1-3 [948kB]
Del gnome-session 2.12.0-24 [519kB]
Del libxklavier 2.0-12 [71.4kB]
Del gnome-printer-add 1.0.0-4 [12.4kB]
Del epiphany-extensions 1.8.2-3 [274kB]
Del imlib 1.9.14-198 [143kB]
Del gnome-terminal 2.12.0-4 [1541kB]
Del control-center2 2.12.2-3 [1721kB]
Del python-orbit 2.0.1-7 [50.1kB]
Del gnome-media 2.12.0-4 [2726kB]
Del libgnomecups 0.2.2-3 [131kB]
Del mono-data-sqlite 1.1.10-4 [45.9kB]
Del gnome-menus 2.12.0-7 [159kB]
Del mono-data 1.1.10-4 [1689kB]
Del gtk-sharp2-gapi 2.7.1-5 [197kB]
Del gnome-mime-data 2.4.2-8 [483kB]
Del gnome-games 2.12.2-3 [4963kB]
Del notification-daemon 0.2.1-6 [47.7kB]
Del gmime 2.1.16-6 [206kB]
Del gnome-doc-utils 0.4.4-2 [120kB]
Del libgda 1.3.91-14 [486kB]
Del ipod-sharp 0.5.12-3 [68.2kB]
Del yelp 2.12.2-3 [433kB]
Del gnome-system-monitor 2.12.2-3 [588kB]
Del resapplet 0.1.1-5 [37.0kB]
Del mc 4.6.1-8 [1599kB]
Del glib 1.2.10-596 [118kB]
Del mono-core 1.1.10-4 [10.6MB]
Del kdemultimedia3-sound 3.5.0-7 [1538kB]
Del gnome-presence-applet 0.3.1-4 [31.7kB]
Del libcroco 0.6.0-11 [111kB]
Del evince 0.4.0-7 [505kB]
Del gal2 2.5.3-6 [638kB]
Del gtksourceview 1.5.1-3 [367kB]
Del libgalago-gtk 0.3.3-4 [118kB]
Del gnome-desktop 2.12.2-3 [783kB]
Del evolution-galago 0.3.1-4 [15.7kB]
Del gail 1.8.8-3 [300kB]
Del libgnomecanvas 2.12.0-7 [202kB]
Del nautilus-open-terminal 0.4-4 [28.6kB]
Del gimp 2.2.9-9 [9104kB]
Del gnomemeeting 1.2.2-8 [2822kB]
Del gnopernicus 0.11.7-3 [1262kB]
Del libgnomeprint 2.12.1-5 [372kB]
Del libpixman 0.1.6-4 [62.6kB]
Del python-gnome 2.12.0-7 [227kB]
Del gtk-sharp-gapi 1.0.10-9 [163kB]
Del gdm [2619kB]
Del nautilus-cd-burner 2.12.2-3 [330kB]
Del mozilla-nspr 4.6.1-7 [103kB]
Del gnome-panel 2.12.2-3 [2304kB]
Del gnome-pilot 2.0.13-16 [465kB]
Del startup-notification 0.8-8 [27.9kB]
Del gnome-bluetooth 0.6.0-5 [281kB]
Del gcalctool 5.6.31-6 [795kB]
Del libgnomeui 2.12.0-8 [786kB]
Del fast-user-switch-applet 0.2.3-8 [105kB]
Del mono-web 1.1.10-4 [2274kB]
Del gnome2-user-docs 2.8.1-8 [1054kB]
Del epiphany 1.8.3-3 [2830kB]
Del gaim-galago 0.3.2-8 [19.0kB]
Del at-spi 1.6.6-3 [216kB]
Del metacity-themes 0.1-493 [32.9kB]
Del kdelibs3-doc 3.5.0-14 [903kB]
Del evolution-webcal 2.4.1-3 [73.9kB]
Del bug-buddy 2.12.1-3 [506kB]
Del gnome-utils 2.12.2-3 [1672kB]
Del libnotify 0.2.1-4 [25.4kB]
Del gtk-engines 0.12-968 [738kB]
Del gnome-audio 2.0.0-121 [2116kB]
Del gnome-backgrounds 2.12.2-2 [1692kB]
Del esound 0.2.36-4 [118kB]
Del libgphoto2 2.1.99.head.0-21 [795kB]
Del nautilus 2.12.2-9 [3164kB]
Del dia 0.94-16 [2791kB]
Del evolution-data-server [3169kB]
Del gok 1.0.5-8 [898kB]
Del gsf-sharp 0.7-3 [40.2kB]
Del vte 0.11.15-6 [755kB]
Del banshee-engine-gst 0.10-3 [10.9kB]
Del libgnomeprintui 2.12.1-3 [286kB]
Del gstreamer-plugins-extra 0.8.11-8 [709kB]
Del gtk2-themes 0.1-642 [172kB]
Del gnome-system-tools 1.4.1-3 [1591kB]
Del mozilla-deat 1.7.8-4 [555kB]
Del gtk-gnutella 0.95-10 [1424kB]
Del gnome-keyring 0.4.6-3 [140kB]
Del nautilus-sendto 0.4-6 [62.2kB]
Del glibmm24 2.8.2-3 [138kB]
Del gamin 0.1.5-10 [73.3kB]
Del gstreamer-plugins 0.8.11-8 [126kB]
Del vino 2.12.0-6 [270kB]
Del atk 1.10.3-3 [183kB]
Del contact-lookup-applet 0.13-8 [64.5kB]
Del metacity 2.12.2-3 [1405kB]
Del gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-77 [172kB]
Del librsvg 2.12.7-3 [150kB]
Del libgalago 0.3.2-6 [84.2kB]
Del sound-juicer 2.12.3-3 [571kB]
Del system-tools-backends 1.4.1-3 [481kB]
Del gnome-cups-manager 0.31-10 [318kB]
Del mozilla-nss 3.11-3 [665kB]
Del libgnomesu 1.0.0-10 [71.9kB]
Del gnome-netstatus 2.12.0-6 [224kB]
Del gnet 2.0.7-7 [84.7kB]
Del gconf-editor 2.12.1-3 [306kB]
Del f-spot 0.1.3-5 [565kB]
Del banshee 0.10-3 [771kB]
Del totem 1.2.0-9 [1260kB]
Del evolution 2.4.1-9 [8933kB]
Del libglade2 2.5.1-12 [83.5kB]
Del galago-daemon 0.3.3-4 [44.6kB]
Del libgnomedb 1.3.91-6 [661kB]
Del libgnome [592kB]
Del gstreamer 0.8.11-8 [931kB]
Del gimp-cmyk 0.3-9 [20.1kB]
Del netapplet 1.0.8-15 [88.7kB]
Del gnome-keyring-manager 2.12.0-3 [161kB]
Del ghex 2.8.1-7 [779kB]
Del gnome-vfs2 2.12.2-5 [937kB]
Del gnome-filesystem 0.1-234 [25.5kB]
Del gtk2-engines 2.6.6-3 [315kB]
Del gtkhtml2 3.8.2-3 [758kB]
Del mergeant 0.62-4 [583kB]
Del evolution-pilot 2.4.1-9 [55.1kB]
Del gnome-icon-theme 2.12.1-5 [3272kB]
Del libipoddevice 0.3.5-3 [32.4kB]
Del libgail-gnome 1.1.2-3 [25.0kB]
Del gnome-mag 0.12.2-3 [127kB]
Del zenity 2.12.1-3 [919kB]
Del dasher 3.2.18-4 [4595kB]
Del libbeagle 0.1.2-11 [30.4kB]
Del tomboy 0.3.3-12 [183kB]
Del blam 1.8.2-12 [252kB]
Del kdelibs3 3.5.0-14 [15.9MB]
Del gstreamer-plugins-excess 0.8.11-8 [233kB]
Del libgtop 2.12.2-3 [129kB]
Del libsoup 2.2.90-3 [119kB]
Del gedit 2.12.1-3 [2117kB]
Del gnome-speech 0.3.9-3 [50.5kB]
Del evolution-sharp 0.10.2-3 [176kB]
Del gconf2 2.12.1-3 [924kB]
Del gecko-sharp 0.6-13 [36.4kB]
Del file-roller 2.12.2-3 [658kB]
Del gstreamer-plugins-default 0.8.11-8 [577kB]
Del pango 1.10.2-3 [265kB]
Del banshee-engine-helix 0.10-3 [247kB]
Del gtk 1.2.10-893 [815kB]
Del gaim 1.5.0-18 [3379kB]
Del scrollkeeper 0.3.14-94 [209kB]
Del libwnck 2.12.2-3 [157kB]
Del gnome-spell2 1.0.6-8 [70.9kB]
Del gimp-help 0.8-6 [17.5MB]
Del gnome-volume-manager 1.5.4-6 [251kB]
linux:/etc/apt # apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
amarok-arts: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-gstreamer: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-helix: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
amarok-xine: Depends: amarok (= 1.3.7) but 1.3.1-8.2 is installed
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using --fix-broken.
linux:/etc/apt # apt install amarok
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

Da sind leider ja ne Menge Pakete rausgeflogen !!!



Ultimate Guru
Da ist nix rausgeflogen... Die sind lediglich aus dem cache genommen worden. Und was bringt jetzt 'apt install amarok' ?


Das Ergenis ist wie folgt:

linux:/etc/apt # apt install amarok
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get --fix-broken install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kdelibs3: Depends: qt3 (>= 3.3.5) but 3.3.4-28.3 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution
