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[gelöst] handbrake installieren


hat schon mal jemand handbrake installiert? Ich habe den Source-Code geladen, in ein Verzeicheniss kopiert und mit "./configure" und nur mit "make" probiert. die Ausgabe ist jedesmal

make: svnversion: Kommando nicht gefunden
echo "#ifndef HB_BUILD" > libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#define HB_BUILD 2009062901" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#endif" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#ifndef HB_VERSION" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#define HB_VERSION \"svn\"" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#endif" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#ifndef HB_APPCAST_URL" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#define APPCAST_URL \"http://handbrake.fr/appcast_unstable.xml\"" >> libhb/hbversion.h
echo "#endif" >> libhb/hbversion.h
( cd .. ; ./configure ; cd contrib ; cp -f ../config.jam . ; jam )

System: Linux
Endian: little
./configure: line 119: svnversion: command not found

Don't run configure by hand, make runs it automatically.

No, really. That's it. Just type 'make' and hit return.

You're supposed to be building with make, not jam.
If you were going to use jam--which you shouldn't--you'd run:
 './jam' on a Mac, or
 'jam' on Linux or Windows

To make jam, boil fruit with sugar and an acid until pectins are released.

/bin/sh: jam: command not found
make[1]: *** [.contrib] Fehler 127
make: *** [contrib/.contrib] Fehler 2

P.S. mein erster kompilier-Versuch!
dankeschön !! hat geklappt.

sudo zypper in boost-jam

sudo zypper in subversion intltool zlib-devel glib-devel gtk2-devel hal-devel \
gtkhtml2-devel gstreamer-0_10-devel gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel

und dann die .rpm installiert