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Scalix Sammelpostfach (Catchall) Problem


Hallo zusammen,

ich bin gerade dabei einen Scalix Mailserver einzurichten (openSUSE 10.2 - X86-64). Mailversand und Zustellung an bekannte Adressen funktioniert ohne Probleme.

Ich benötige allerdings ein Sammelpostfach für unbekannte oder falsch geschriebene Adressen. Ich habe im Admin Guide die Catchall Funktion gefunden und unter /var/opt/scalix/sl/s/sys/smtpd.cfg entsprechend eingetragen.

# SMTP Relay Configuration
# ########################
# For details please see Scalix Overview - Security

# Relay Configuration
# ###################
# EXTENSIONS      These extensions will be advertised by the EHLO reply
# DOMAIN_NAME     Local host FQDN
# LOCAL_NAMES     Local aliases of DOMAIN_NAME
# MAX_HOP_COUNT   If the number of Received: header lines in a message sent to 
#                 the relay exceed this number then the message will be 
#                 rejected by the relay. The default value is zero and any 
#                 non-positive value is interpreted as infinity. The default 
#                 value means that no loop detection is done by the relay, 
#                 any loop detection will only be done by sendmail.
# GREETING        This is the text after the 220 on the connection
#                 greeting line some tokens can be used:
#                 %F - FQDN, %P - protocol, %N program name,
#                 %V - version, %D date
# LISTEN          Comma separated host:port to listen to eg.
#                 LISTEN=mail.example.com:25,
#                 The maximum message size allowed in bytes. Oversized message
#                 will be rejected with a 552 error. Use 0 for anysize.
# SMTPMILTER      Main switch to enable/disable milter support in the Relay using
#                 TRUE/FALSE. Once enabled, use INPUT_MAIL_FILTER to define
#                 the actual milter to be used for filtering.
#                 Note: avoid TRUE if no milter is active to improve performance.
#                 Filter message using the specified milter before accepting it.
#                 Syntax=('<name>', 'S=<socket>, F=<fail>, T=<timeout>') where:
#                 <name>    is milter name
#                 <socket>  is sock name (local or unix socket only)
#                 <fail>    is action if fail to connect milter, default is to
#                           skip this milter, specify T or R to tempfail message
#                 <timeout> is 'C:<t>;S:<t>;R:<t>;E:<t> where <t> is timeout
#                           for Connect, Send, Receive and End-of-message.
#                 e.g. =('abc', S='local:/tmp/abc, F=T, T=C:5m;S:9s;R:9s;E:5m') 
#                 Note: up to 8 milters can be called in sequence with the
#                 resultant message content from one milter fed into the next,
#                 some milter features and protocols may not be supported,
#                 e.g. quarantine, add extended rcpt and set symbol list.


# Uncomment the following lines to enable the Submission and LMTP listeners

# Catch-all recipients
# ####################
# Catch-all recipients are for catching email sent to unknown users, instead
# of non-delivering the email. More than one CATCH line can be used.
CATCH @domain.com catchall@domain.com
# PATTERN can be:
#    user* - any unknown address starting with user
#    @domain.com - any unknown address in domain.com
#    user*@domain.com - any unknown user starting with user in domain.com
#    this is the recipient email address to redirect the email to. It can
#    be local or remote, but is subject to any relay rules if remote.
# Authentication and Anti-Spamming Measures
# #########################################
# Each line is of the form:
# When an event happens the SMTP Relay checks for a matching event/pattern
# sequentially in this file. When it finds the first match, it takes the
# action specified.
# ######
# ######
# AUTH_SUCCESS    An attempt is made to submit a 
#                 successfully authenticated message.
# AUTH_MISMATCH   An attempt is made to submit a 
#                 successfully authenticated message but
#                 the originator name does not match
#                 the authenticated name.
# ANONYMOUS       An attempt is made to submit a message
#                 sent without authentication or after
#                 failed authentication.
# SUBMIT          An attempt is made to submit a message from
#                 the host specified in pattern
# RELAY           An attempt is made to relay a message through the SMTP Relay
# ORIGINATOR      An attempt is made to submit a message from a user whose
#                 email address matches pattern
# RECIPIENT       An attempt is made to submit a message to a user whose
#                 email address matches pattern
# #######
# #######
# Accept         The message is unconditionally accepted and processed
#                normally.
# Defer          The message is deferred with a 400 code
# Discard        The message is accepted but then discarded
# Header         The message is accepted, but an extra header is inserted.
# Reject         The message is rejected with a 500 code
# If Log_ added to the start of an action, then the action is also recorded
# in the SMTP Relay log file.
# ########
# ########
# Hostname Patterns
#  - an IP address, eg
#  - an IP subnet and mask, eg
#  - a hostname, eg bert.loc.co.uk
#  - the end of a domain, eg .spammer.net
#  - the start of a domain, 123.234.
#  - the keyword ALL matches all hosts
#  - the keyword LOCAL matches all hosts that do not contain a .
# Email Patterns - used by ORIGINATOR and RECIPIENT
#  - *@*.spam.net
# DNSBL Patterns - These can be used by the SUBMIT EVENT to use DNS black
#                  list systems (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSBL )
#  - DNSBL,host,reply  eg DNSBL,bl.spamcop.net,ALL

# NB Authenticated RELAYs are always allowed
RELAY accept
RELAY accept .dmz.domain.de
RELAY Log_Reject ALL

# extra rules added to prevent open relay usage
RECIPIENT Log_Reject *@*@*
RECIPIENT Log_Reject *%*
RECIPIENT Log_Reject *!*
RECIPIENT Log_Reject *#*@*

# set maximum message size allowed (default unlimited)

# master switch to enable milter support (default off)

# list of milters to call sequentially (default none)
#INPUT_MAIL_FILTER=('CTmilter', 'S=local:~/temp/CTmilter_socket, F=T, T=C:300s;S:10s;R:10s;E:300s')

# The following group sets the configuration for the submission listener
# This listener is only active if SUBMIT=ON is above
# By default it binds to port 587
# Reject all anonymous connections

# The following group sets the configuration for the lmtp listener
# This listener is only active if LMTP=ON is above
# Use the following line to listen on a unix domain socket

Wenn ich nun intern über den Scalix eine Mail an irgendwas@domain.com schicke kommt die Mail auch im Sammelpostfach an. Mit Externen Mails funktioniert das ganze allerdings nicht und ich erhalte folgende Mail zurück:

The original message was received at Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:35:01 +0200
from localhost []

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    (reason: 554 5.4.6 Too many hops)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
554 5.4.6 Too many hops 26 (25 max): from <name@domain.de> via localhost, to <irgendwas@domain.com>

Wäre super wenn jemand ne Idee hat und mir helfen könnte. Bin am verzweifeln.


Ultimate Guru

Ich nicht der Scalix Kenner aber vielleicht setzt du dich mal mit Martin in Verbindung.

Wenn dir da jemand helfen kann dann er, denn Martin hat ein eigenes Scalix Projekt aus dem Bodem gestampft.. :wink:
