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Scalix und Sendmail externer Provider ### Problem gelöst ###


Hallo Leute,

hat jemand Sendmail unter Opensuse 10.1 mit sendmail über einen Externen Provider am laufen ?
Also ich habe mir einen abgebrochen und es läuft immer noch nicht.
Kann mir jemand helfen ?
Sendmail bekommt keine authentifizierung bei 1und 1 hin.
Immer bekomme ich User unknown zu hören.
Hat vielleicht jemand eine Sendmail.cf oder .mc oder einfach nur einen Tipp.
Ich wäre für alles Dankbar.
Jackass :roll:


Hier noch mal für alle:

zuerst die sendmail.cf
diese bitte nach /opt/scalix/newconfig/ und in om_sendmail.cf umbenennen, damit beim nächsten Scalixupdate die richtige sendmail.cf nicht übergebügelt wird.
Mit dieser Konfiguration läuft es, aber bitte daran denken, die smtp authentifizierung liegt unter /etc/mail/auth/auth-info.db im bekannten Format.

##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.718 2005/08/24 18:07:23 ca Exp $ #####

# level 10 config file format

# override file safeties - setting this option compromises system security,
# addressing the actual file configuration problem is preferred
# need to set this before any file actions are encountered in the cf file
O DontBlameSendmail=AssumeSafeChown,TrustStickyBit,GroupReadableSASLDBFile

# default LDAP map specification
# need to set this now before any LDAP maps are defined
#O LDAPDefaultSpec=-h localhost

# local info #

# my LDAP cluster
# need to set this before any LDAP lookups are done (including classes)

# file containing names of hosts for which we receive email
Fw-o /etc/mail/local-host-names %[^\#]

# my official domain name
# ... define this only if sendmail cannot automatically determine your domain

# host/domain names ending with a token in class P are canonical

# "Smart" relay host (may be null)

# operators that cannot be in local usernames (i.e., network indicators)
CO @ % !

# a class with just dot (for identifying canonical names)

# a class with just a left bracket (for identifying domain literals)

# access_db acceptance class


# Hosts for which relaying is permitted ($=R)
FR-o /etc/mail/relay-domains %[^\#]

# arithmetic map
Karith arith
# macro storage map
Kmacro macro
# possible values for TLS_connection in access map

# dequoting map
Kdequote dequote

# class E: names that should be exposed as from this host, even if we masquerade
# class L: names that should be delivered locally, even if we have a relay
# class M: domains that should be converted to $M
# class N: domains that should not be converted to $M
#CL root
C{G}my-localhost.site my-domain.de

# who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading) (see also $=M)

# my name for error messages

# Mailer table (overriding domains)
Kmailertable hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable.db

# Generics table (mapping outgoing addresses)
Kgenerics hash -o /etc/mail/genericstable.db

# Virtual user table (maps incoming users)
Kvirtuser hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable.db

# Access list database (for spam stomping)
Kaccess hash -T<TMPF> -o /etc/mail/access.db

# authinfo list database: contains info for authentication as client
Kauthinfo hash -o /etc/mail/auth/auth-info


# Scalix LDAP mapper
Kldapsx ldap -h localhost -p 5757 -M simple
-T<TMPF> -1 -b "" -v scalixInstanceName -k (mail=%0)

Cwlocalhost linux-comunity.site

# Configuration version number
DZ8.13.6/SuSE Linux 0.8

# Options #

# strip message body to 7 bits on input?
O SevenBitInput=False

# 8-bit data handling
#O EightBitMode=pass8

# wait for alias file rebuild (default units: minutes)
O AliasWait=10

# location of alias file
O AliasFile=/etc/aliases

# minimum number of free blocks on filesystem
O MinFreeBlocks=100

# maximum message size
#O MaxMessageSize=0

# substitution for space (blank) characters
O BlankSub=.

# avoid connecting to "expensive" mailers on initial submission?
O HoldExpensive=True

# checkpoint queue runs after every N successful deliveries
#O CheckpointInterval=10

# default delivery mode
O DeliveryMode=background

# error message header/file
#O ErrorHeader=/etc/mail/error-header

# error mode
#O ErrorMode=print

# save Unix-style "From_" lines at top of header?
#O SaveFromLine=False

# queue file mode (qf files)
#O QueueFileMode=0600

# temporary file mode
O TempFileMode=0600

# match recipients against GECOS field?
#O MatchGECOS=False

# maximum hop count
#O MaxHopCount=25

# location of help file
O HelpFile=/usr/lib/sendmail.d/helpfile

# ignore dots as terminators in incoming messages?
#O IgnoreDots=False

# name resolver options
#O ResolverOptions=+AAONLY

# deliver MIME-encapsulated error messages?
O SendMimeErrors=True

# Forward file search path
O ForwardPath=$z/.forward.$w+$h:$z/.forward+$h:$z/.forward.$w:$z/.forward

# open connection cache size
O ConnectionCacheSize=2

# open connection cache timeout
O ConnectionCacheTimeout=5m

# persistent host status directory
#O HostStatusDirectory=.hoststat

# single thread deliveries (requires HostStatusDirectory)?
#O SingleThreadDelivery=False

# use Errors-To: header?
O UseErrorsTo=False

# log level
O LogLevel=12

# send to me too, even in an alias expansion?
#O MeToo=True

# verify RHS in newaliases?
O CheckAliases=False

# default messages to old style headers if no special punctuation?
O OldStyleHeaders=True

# SMTP daemon options
O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA

# SMTP client options
#O ClientPortOptions=Family=inet, Address=

# Modifiers to define {daemon_flags} for direct submissions
O DirectSubmissionModifiers=C

# Use as mail submission program? See sendmail/SECURITY

# privacy flags
O PrivacyOptions=authwarnings,needmailhelo,novrfy,noexpn,noverb

# who (if anyone) should get extra copies of error messages
O PostmasterCopy=Postmaster

# slope of queue-only function
#O QueueFactor=600000

# limit on number of concurrent queue runners
#O MaxQueueChildren

# maximum number of queue-runners per queue-grouping with multiple queues
#O MaxRunnersPerQueue=1

# priority of queue runners (nice(3))
#O NiceQueueRun

# shall we sort the queue by hostname first?
#O QueueSortOrder=priority

# minimum time in queue before retry
#O MinQueueAge=30m

# how many jobs can you process in the queue?
#O MaxQueueRunSize=0

# perform initial split of envelope without checking MX records
#O FastSplit=1

# queue directory
O QueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue

# key for shared memory; 0 to turn off
#O SharedMemoryKey=0

# timeouts (many of these)
#O Timeout.initial=5m
#O Timeout.connect=5m
#O Timeout.aconnect=0s
O Timeout.iconnect=10s
#O Timeout.helo=5m
#O Timeout.mail=10m
#O Timeout.rcpt=1h
#O Timeout.datainit=5m
#O Timeout.datablock=1h
#O Timeout.datafinal=1h
#O Timeout.rset=5m
#O Timeout.quit=2m
#O Timeout.misc=2m
#O Timeout.command=1h
O Timeout.ident=0s
#O Timeout.fileopen=60s
#O Timeout.control=2m
O Timeout.queuereturn=5d
#O Timeout.queuereturn.normal=5d
#O Timeout.queuereturn.urgent=2d
#O Timeout.queuereturn.non-urgent=7d
#O Timeout.queuereturn.dsn=5d
O Timeout.queuewarn=4h
#O Timeout.queuewarn.normal=4h
#O Timeout.queuewarn.urgent=1h
#O Timeout.queuewarn.non-urgent=12h
#O Timeout.queuewarn.dsn=4h
#O Timeout.hoststatus=30m
#O Timeout.resolver.retrans=5s
#O Timeout.resolver.retrans.first=5s
#O Timeout.resolver.retrans.normal=5s
#O Timeout.resolver.retry=4
#O Timeout.resolver.retry.first=4
#O Timeout.resolver.retry.normal=4
#O Timeout.lhlo=2m
#O Timeout.auth=10m
#O Timeout.starttls=1h

# time for DeliverBy; extension disabled if less than 0
#O DeliverByMin=0

# should we not prune routes in route-addr syntax addresses?
#O DontPruneRoutes=False

# queue up everything before forking?
O SuperSafe=True

# status file
O StatusFile=/var/lib/sendmail/statistics

# time zone handling:
# if undefined, use system default
# if defined but null, use TZ envariable passed in
# if defined and non-null, use that info
#O TimeZoneSpec=

# default UID (can be username or userid:groupid)
O DefaultUser=daemon:daemon

# list of locations of user database file (null means no lookup)
O UserDatabaseSpec=/etc/mail/userdb.db

# fallback MX host
#O FallbackMXhost=fall.back.host.net

# fallback smart host
#O FallbackSmartHost=fall.back.host.net

# if we are the best MX host for a site, try it directly instead of config err
#O TryNullMXList=False

# load average at which we just queue messages
#O QueueLA=8

# load average at which we refuse connections
#O RefuseLA=12

# log interval when refusing connections for this long
#O RejectLogInterval=3h

# load average at which we delay connections; 0 means no limit
#O DelayLA=0

# maximum number of children we allow at one time
O MaxDaemonChildren=15

# maximum number of new connections per second
#O ConnectionRateThrottle=0

# Width of the window
#O ConnectionRateWindowSize=60s

# work recipient factor
#O RecipientFactor=30000

# deliver each queued job in a separate process?
#O ForkEachJob=False

# work class factor
#O ClassFactor=1800

# work time factor
#O RetryFactor=90000

# default character set
#O DefaultCharSet=unknown-8bit

# service switch file (name hardwired on Solaris, Ultrix, OSF/1, others)
O ServiceSwitchFile=/etc/mail/service.switch

# hosts file (normally /etc/hosts)
O HostsFile=/etc/hosts

# dialup line delay on connection failure
#O DialDelay=0s

# action to take if there are no recipients in the message
O NoRecipientAction=add-to-undisclosed

# chrooted environment for writing to files
#O SafeFileEnvironment

# are colons OK in addresses?
#O ColonOkInAddr=True

# shall I avoid expanding CNAMEs (violates protocols)?
#O DontExpandCnames=False

# SMTP initial login message (old $e macro)
O SmtpGreetingMessage=$j Sendmail $v/$Z; $b

# UNIX initial From header format (old $l macro)
O UnixFromLine=From $g $d

# From: lines that have embedded newlines are unwrapped onto one line
#O SingleLineFromHeader=False

# Allow HELO SMTP command that does not include a host name
#O AllowBogusHELO=False

# Characters to be quoted in a full name phrase (@,;:\()[] are automatic)
#O MustQuoteChars=.

# delimiter (operator) characters (old $o macro)
O OperatorChars=.:%@!^/[]+

# shall I avoid calling initgroups(3) because of high NIS costs?
#O DontInitGroups=False

# are group-writable :include: and .forward files (un)trustworthy?
# True (the default) means they are not trustworthy.
#O UnsafeGroupWrites=True

# where do errors that occur when sending errors get sent?
#O DoubleBounceAddress=postmaster

# where to save bounces if all else fails
O DeadLetterDrop=/var/log/dead.letter

# what user id do we assume for the majority of the processing?
#O RunAsUser=sendmail

# maximum number of recipients per SMTP envelope
#O MaxRecipientsPerMessage=0

# limit the rate recipients per SMTP envelope are accepted
# once the threshold number of recipients have been rejected
#O BadRcptThrottle=0

# shall we get local names from our installed interfaces?
#O DontProbeInterfaces=False

# Return-Receipt-To: header implies DSN request
#O RrtImpliesDsn=False

# override connection address (for testing)
#O ConnectOnlyTo=

# Trusted user for file ownership and starting the daemon
#O TrustedUser=root

# Control socket for daemon management
O ControlSocketName=/var/run/sendmail/control

# Maximum MIME header length to protect MUAs
O MaxMimeHeaderLength=256/128

# Maximum length of the sum of all headers
O MaxHeadersLength=32768

# Maximum depth of alias recursion
#O MaxAliasRecursion=10

# location of pid file
#O PidFile=/var/run/sendmail.pid

# Prefix string for the process title shown on 'ps' listings
#O ProcessTitlePrefix=prefix

# Data file (df) memory-buffer file maximum size
#O DataFileBufferSize=4096

# Transcript file (xf) memory-buffer file maximum size
#O XscriptFileBufferSize=4096

# lookup type to find information about local mailboxes
#O MailboxDatabase=pw

# override compile time flag REQUIRES_DIR_FSYNC
#O RequiresDirfsync=true

# list of authentication mechanisms
O AuthMechanisms=LOGIN PLAIN

# Authentication realm
#O AuthRealm

# default authentication information for outgoing connections
#O DefaultAuthInfo=/etc/mail/default-auth-info

# SMTP AUTH flags
O AuthOptions=Apy

# SMTP AUTH maximum encryption strength
#O AuthMaxBits

# SMTP STARTTLS server options
#O TLSSrvOptions

# Input mail filters
#O InputMailFilters

# CA directory
O CACertPath=/etc/mail/certs
# CA file
#O CACertFile
# Server Cert
#O ServerCertFile
# Server private key
#O ServerKeyFile
# Client Cert
#O ClientCertFile
# Client private key
#O ClientKeyFile
# File containing certificate revocation lists
#O CRLFile
# DHParameters (only required if DSA/DH is used)
#O DHParameters
# Random data source (required for systems without /dev/urandom under OpenSSL)
#O RandFile


Den rest spare ich mir.

Hier ist die sendmail aus /etc/sysconfig/

## Path: Network/Mail/Sendmail
## Description: Configuration of sendmail
## Type: string
## Default: ""
## Config: sendmail
## ServiceReload: sendmail
# smarthost - this host gets all outgoing email from us
# normally used for uucp-connected sites or for dialup connections
# use "uucp-dom:server.uucp.com" to deliver all email to "server.uucp.com"

## Type: string(localhost)
## Default: localhost
# sendmail assumes the following space-separated host-names to be
# the local host (this must just be used for names differrent to the
# hostname, for e.g. aliases like www.nowhere.com)
# Note: Any hosts listed in here will cause reply-to: with the same
# hostname be rewritten to FROM_HEADER in outgoing emails. Starting
# with SuSE Linux 8.0, headers will only be rewritten if listed in
# Host _not_ listed in here will get "relaying denied". Note that
# an entry in /etc/mail/virtusertable will NOT make any difference.
# Also the file /etc/mail/local-host-names is a bad choice, because
# in this case any masquerading will be taken into affect and rewrite
# the adresses in the header. For real relaying you have to use the
# file /etc/mail/relay-domains to allow relaying in both directions
# for listed domain names therein. The other way to allow relaying
# is to use a rule within the file /etc/mail/access together with
# USE_ACCESS_DB enabled. This is then used to generate the access db.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# enable this to change also the recipient address.
# Don't use this feature, if you don't have the full /etc/aliases
# and the full /etc/passwd on your host.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# do not deliver any email locally, but send all email to another host
# this can just be used with another system that has the same users on it
# and you probably also want to set the FROM_HEADER to the other host

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# Used if no SENDMAIL_RELAY is given and local mails are send with local names
# that aren't local accounts or aliases. All these mails are redirected
# to the user given defined with SENDMAIL_LUSER, e.g.
# SENDMAIL_LUSER="postmaster" or SENDMAIL_LUSER="root". Note that this may
# violate the privacy of those mails.

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Turns on the access database feature. The access db gives you the ability
# to allow or refuse to accept mail from specified domains for administrative
# reasons. This option also adds the greet_pause ruleset enables open proxy
# and SMTP slamming protection. Sendmail will wait some seconds sending the
# initial 220 SMTP greeting.
# If any traffic is received before then, a 554 SMTP response is sent and
# all SMTP commands are rejected during the connection.

## Type: string
## Default: "-L sendmail -Am -bd -q30m -om"
# with what parameters should sendmail be started?
# normal sites use "-Am -bd -q30m -om".
# "-Am" will force sendmail to use sendmail.cf. "-q30m" will look every 30
# minutes to re-try sending failed email. "-bd" will start sendmail in daemon
# mode and sendmail will accept email over the network from other hosts.
# If you set SENDMAIL_EXPENSIVE and you have a dialup ISDN connection,
# you probably want to set this to "-bd -om" and run "sendmail -q"
# from your crontab.
SENDMAIL_ARGS="-L sendmail -Am -bd -om"

## Type: string
## Default: "-L sendmail-client -Ac -qp1m"
# with what parameters should sendmail _client_ be started?
# This is used to start the sendmail client daemon which runs as user
# mail and look at /var/spool/clientmqueue/ for any mail which should
# put to port 25 (smtp port) of localhost on which the master sendmail
# is listen.
# "-Ac" will force sendmail to use submit.cf. "-qp1m" will look every
# minute with the help of a persistent child for the queue to deliver
# mails to the port 25 of localhost where master sendmail daemon is listen.
# Note: to ensure that local mails will be delivered as fast as possible
# the full qualified host name should be part of SENDMAIL_LOCALHOST.
SENDMAIL_CLIENT_ARGS="-L sendmail-client -Ac -qp1m"

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# sendmail will only queue email in /var/spool/mqueue and will only start
# to deliver it if "sendmail -q" is run

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# sendmail will not try to canonify hostnames in your email
# so much less DNS-queries are send
# you probably want to enable this on a SENDMAIL_EXPENSIVE system.
# Don't forget to add the local, the mail hub, smart, and mail relay host
# with their IP addresses and the corresponding Full Qualified Domain Names
# to /etc/hosts. For most # people using dial on demand SENDMAIL_NOCANONIFY
# should work and no NODNS (see /etc/sysconfig/mail) is required.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# A null client is a machine that can only send mail. It receives no
# mail from the network, and it does not deliver any mail locally.
# A null client typically uses POP or NFS for mailbox access.
# Possible values for NULLCLIENT are "" or the full qualified domain
# name of the mail server used for redirecting all mails.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# This option forbids DNS-queries. It requires a well configured
# /etc/hosts. Sendmail users should also read /etc/sysconfig/sendmail
# the description of the variable SENDMAIL_NOCANONIFY.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If set to yes, mail that will be delivered via smtp will stay
# in the queue unless someone issues "sendmail -q" or equivalent.
# A correct FQHOSTNAME for the local host is required.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# these domains can additional to the local domains be changed
# in /etc/mail/genericstable

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# this is useful if you have several domains with disjoint namespaces
# hosted on the same machine. Include them as space-separated list
# of doamins.
# Note: Domains listed here will have their headers rewritten, like
# "Reply-To: user@myhost.dyndns.org" is rewritten by sendmail to
# "Reply-To: user@$FROM_HEADER" on outgoing mail.
# To be able to receive mail under the dynamic DNS name, the name must
# also be listed in SENDMAIL_LOCALHOST (or a "relaying denied" results).
# If this list is non-empty, envelope from will be the FQHOSTNAME and
# not $FROM_HEADER (resulting in rejects if FQHOSTNAME is something.local),
# unless the FQHOSTNAME is listed here is well.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# this is usefull if FROM_HEADER is set and you want to replay all
# all names within MASQUERADE_DOMAINS even if some names with sevearl
# leading subdomains are not put into MASQUERADE_DOMAINS.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# map (un)qualified domains to qualified domains in mail headers.
# This can be used to provide domain name mapping in the file
# /etc/mail/domaintable. Use of this should really be limited
# to your own domains. It may be useful if you change names
# (e.g., your company changes names from oldname.com to newname.com).

## Type: list(gssapi,otp,digest-md5,cram-md5,plain,login,all)
## Default: ""
# enable SMTP AUTHENTICATION to other servers if required, possible
# values are e.g. plain, gssapi, digest-md5, and cram-md5.
# To use the choosen authentication the appropiate cyrus-sasl package
# has to be installed: cyrus-sasl-(gssapi|otp|digestmd5|crammd5|plain)
# Please not that most providers only know about `plain' which means
# that the user data will not be encrypted.
# You will have to identify yourself using the information in

## Type: list(gssapi,otp,digest-md5,cram-md5,plain,login,all)
## Default: ""
# enable SMTP AUTHENTICATION as a server, for an explanation read
# /usr/share/sendmail/README, /usr/share/doc/packages/sendmail/op.txt.bz2,
# and http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/auth.html.
# Possible values are e.g. gssapi, digest-md5, and cram-md5.
# To use the choosen authentication the appropiate cyrus-sasl package
# has to be installed: cyrus-sasl-(gssapi|otp|digestmd5|crammd5|plain)
# Note that `plain' should be used because data will not be encrypted
# and that more than one value separated by spaces is allowed.

## Type: list(server,client,both)
## Default: ""
# STARTTLS certification, for an explanation read
# /usr/share/doc/packages/sendmail/op.txt.bz2 and
# http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/starttls.html
# The certification and key files are placed at
# /etc/mail/certs/ as CA.cert.pem, MYServer.cert.pem,
# MYServer.key.pem (for STARTTLS server) and
# MYClient.cert.pem, MYClient.key.pem (for STARTTLS client)
# possible values are `server', `client', or `both'.

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Normally all upper case letters of the keys in the db files of sendmail
# will be folded to lower case. You may change this to "no" and break the
# normal behaviour at your own risk.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# Use real-time black-hole lists. Sendmail will refuse to receive mail from
# any IP number which is listed in any of the RBL lookups given here.
# Space seperated list of host names to query via DNS, e.g.:
# inputs.orbz.org
# relays.orbl.org
# relays.ordb.org
# relays.osirusoft.com
# orbs.dorkslayers.com

## Type: integer(1000000:10000000)
## Default: 2000000
# The maximum size of UUCP mesages in bytes. For real modem connection this
# should not more than 1MB. For ISDN/DSL you may choose much more if the
# UUCP connection type is TCP which means that not modem is used but a UUCP
# tunnel through TCP/IP.


Besonderen Dank an Blinzler,Haertie und Jobscout.