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bringe WG311T mit WEP unter SUSE 9.3 nicht zum laufen



bringe die wireless karte WG311T von Netgear mit WEP unter SUSE 9.3 nicht zum laufen.

ohne WEP funktioniert bestens !

habe WEP mit YAST konfiguriert.



Ich habe besagte Karte auch Suse 9.3 mit WEP und WPA direkt ans laufen bekommen und bin ein Linux-Dau - sollte also kein Problem sein.
Wenn es ohne WEP klappt, kann es ja meines Erachtens nur an der Art liegen, wie das WEP-Passwort eingegeben wird. Bist du dir sicher, das du das Suse-seitig richtig erfasst hast?


kannst du bitte mir dein config file von /etc/sysconfig/network/ posten ?

hast du alles mit dem YAST konfiguriert ?


cc schrieb:
kannst du bitte mir dein config file von /etc/sysconfig/network/ posten ?

hast du alles mit dem YAST konfiguriert ?

Ja habe ich.
Ich benutze die WPA-PSK Verschlüsselung mit manueller IP-Vergabe und MAC-Adressenfilter.
Habe über YAST die IP, Nameserver, Standard-Gateway, SSID, Verschlüsselung, Passwort und Kanal (6) eingegeben.
Benutze als Router Netgear WGT624 und klappt super.
Config file folgt heute abend.


hier mein config-file

## Path: Network/Hardware/Config
## Description: Set some general network configuration
## Type: string("","-","+")
## Default: "+"
## ServiceRestart: network
# DEFAULT_BROADCAST is used when no individual BROADCAST is set. It can get one
# of the following values:
# "" : don't set a broadcast address
# "-" : use IPADDR with all host bits deleted
# "+" : use IPADDR with all host bits set

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# sometimes we want some script to be executed after an interface has been
# brought up, or before an interface is taken down.
# default dir is /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d for POST_UP and
# /etc/sysconfig/network/if-down.d for PRE_DOWN

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If ifup should check if an ip address is already in use, set this to yes.
# Make sure that packet sockets (CONFIG_PACKET) are supported in the kernel,
# since this feature uses arping, which depends on that.
# Also be aware that this takes one second per interface; consider that when
# setting up a lot of interfaces.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# Switch on/off debug messages for all network configuration stuff. If set to no
# most scripts can enable it locally with "-o debug".

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Should error messages from network configuration scripts go to syslog, or do
# you like them on stderr?

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# There are some services (ppp, ippp, dhcp-client, pcmcia, hotplug) that have to
# change the /etc/resolv.conf dynamically at certain times. E.g. if ppp/ippp
# establishes a connection and is supplied by the peer with a list of
# nameservers. Or pcmcia needs to set the correct nameserver for the choosen
# configuration scheme. If you don't like these services to change
# /etc/resolv.conf at all, then set this variable to "no".
# If unsure, leave it at the default (which is "yes").

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# Like MODIFY_RESOLV_CONF_DYNAMICALLY, except it modifies /etc/named.conf.
# If unsure, leave it at the default (which is "no").

# Handling of network connections
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# These features are designed for the convenience of the experienced
# user. If you encounter problems you don't understand then switch
# them off. That is the default.
# Please do not complain if you get troubles. But if you want help to
# make them smarter write to <http://www.suse.de/feedback>.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If you are interested in the connections and nfs mounts that use a
# network interface, you can set CONNECTION_SHOW_WHEN_IFSTATUS="yes".
# Then you will see them with 'ifstatus <interface>' (or 'ifstatus
# <config>')
# This one _should_ never harm ;)

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If an interface should be set down only if there are no active
# connections, then use CONNECTION_CHECK_BEFORE_IFDOWN="yes"

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If these connetions (without the nfs mounts) should be closed when
# shutting down an interface, set CONNECTION_CLOSE_BEFORE_IFDOWN="yes".
# WARNING: Be aware that this may terminate applications which need
# one of these connections!

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If you are a mobile laptop user and like even nfs mounts to be
# closed when you leave your current workplace, then set
# CONNECTION_UMOUNT_NFS_BEFORE_IFDOWN="yes". This does only work
# WARNING: Be aware that this may terminate applications which use
# these nfs mounts as working directory. Be very carefull if your home
# is mounted via nfs!!!
# WARNING: This may even lead to hanging ifdown processes if there are
# processes that could not be terminated. If you are using
# hotpluggable devices (pcmcia, usb, firewire), first shut them down
# before unplugging!

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# If terminating processes that use a connection or nfs mount is not
# enough, then they can be killed after an unsuccesfull termination.
# If you want that set CONNECTION_SEND_KILL_SIGNAL="yes"

## Type: string
## Default: ""
# Here you may specify which interfaces have to be up and configured properly
# after 'rcnetwork start'. rcconfig will return 'failed' if any of these
# interfaces is not up. You may use interface names as well but better use
# hardware descriptions of the devices (eth-id-<macaddress> or eth-bus-... See
# man ifup for 'hardware description'). The network start script will wait for
# these interfaces, but not longer as set in WAIT_FOR_INTERFACES.
# You need not to add dialup or tunnel interfaces here, only physical devices.
# The interface 'lo' is always considered to be mandatory and can be omitted.
# If this variable is empty, rcnetwork tries to derive the list of mandatory
# devices automatically from the list of existing configurations. Configurations
# with names bus-pcmcia or bus-usb or with STARTMODE=hotplug are skipped. (try
# '/etc/init.d/rc5.d/S*network start -o debug fake | grep MANDAT')

## Type: integer
## Default: 20
# Some interfaces need some time to come up or come asynchronously via hotplug.
# WAIT_FOR_INTERFACES is a global wait for all mandatory interfaces in
# seconds. If empty no wait occurs.

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# With this variable you can determine if the SuSEfirewall when enabled
# should get started when network interfaces are started.

## Type: string("off","guess","auto-off","auto-manual","manual")
## Default: "off"
# !!!This feature is still not implemented. Leave it to 'off'!!!
# What shall we do if there is no valid configuration?
# off: do nothing, just fail
# guess: try to guess the needed info (zeroconf)
# auto-off: trigger automatic creation of a config file; if that fails, do
# nothing, just fail
# auto-manual: trigger automatic creation of a config file; if that fails, ask
# user to provide configuration (via yast)
# manual: ask user to provide configuration (via yast)
# !!!This feature is still not implemented. Leave it to 'off'!!!

## Type: string
## Default: "eth*[0-9]|tr*[0-9]|wlan[0-9]|ath[0-9]"
# Automatically add a linklocal route to the matching interfaces.
# This string is used in a bash "case" statement, so it may contain
# '*', '[', ']' and '|' meta-characters.

## Type: string
## Default: "-a -f -I -u 0 -d 10"
# Set default options for ifplugd. You may also set them in an ifcfg-* file
# individually. Have a look at 'man ifplug' for details. We let ifplugd set the
# interface UP when starting, because there are many interfaces where link beat
# cannot be detected otherwise. If you want the interface to stay down then add
# the option '-a'.
IFPLUGD_OPTIONS="-f -I -u 0 -d 10"

## Type: yesno
## Default yes
# If you don't want to use ipv6 at all, set this to 'no'. Then ifup will always
# flush all ipv6 adresses. This might be usefull together with ifplugd, if link
# beat detection is only possible with interface UP.