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[gelöst] Kein Internet mehr über Windows-Client


habe meinen Linux-Rechner als Router mit SuSe 9.3 laufen und einen Client-Rechner mit Windows XP. Hatte den Internet-Zugang auf dem Client-Rechner eingerichtet, wie hier in der Howto beschrieben. Funktionierte bis vor zwei Tagen auch ohne Probleme.

Plötzlich geht aber nichts mehr über den Client-Rechner. Rechner können sich zwar untereinander anpingen und internes Netzwerk funktioniert, bloß kein Internet mehr auf dem Client. Von der Firewall kann das Problem eigentlich nicht kommen, da es auch nicht geht wenn ich die Firewall stoppe.

Habe auch alle Einstellungen gecheckt und nichts gefunden. Da ich aber noch nicht lange mit Linux arbeite, kann ich natürlich auch was übersehen haben.

Ich hoffe, das mir jemand bei diesem Problem helfen kann. Bin nämlich langsam am verzweifeln.

Martin Breidenbach

Ultimate Guru
boothunter schrieb:
Von der Firewall kann das Problem eigentlich nicht kommen, da es auch nicht geht wenn ich die Firewall stoppe.

"Das Auto fährt nicht. Aber am Benzin kann's nicht liegen, ist nämlich keins drin."

Ohne Firewall hat der Client keine Chance ins Internet zu kommen (wenn nicht z.B. ein Squid installiert ist).




Hatte ja geschrieben, das ich noch nicht lange mit Linux arbeite. Wusste deshalb nicht. das die Firewall zwingend benötigt wird. Bei Windows war das anders (ich weiß ... sollte man nicht mit Linux vergleichen).

Allerdings bringen mir die Links nicht unbedingt die Lösung. Da ich auch ziemlich ratlos bin, da sich die Rechner untereinander anpingen lassen. Nur das Internet geht halt nicht auf dem Client-Rechner.


Es gibt mehrere Gründe warum das nicht funktioniert.
1. DNS am Client überprüfen
2. Firewall am Client blockiert
3. Routing am Host ist nicht richtig konfiguriert bzw. überhaupt nicht

Die Firewall muss auf jeden Fall mit Masquerading laufen. Mit der SuSEfirewall2 sollte das über Yast aber kein Problem sein.

mfg Appleonkel


Die Nameserver am Client sind korrekt eingetragen und die interne Windows-Firewall ist ebenfalls aus. Eine externe ist nicht installiert.

Was das Routing anbetrifft, gehe mal von aus das es richtig konfiguriert ist da ich eigentlich nichts geändert habe.

Erlaube mir mal hier die Konfiguration meiner Firewall im Linux-Router mitzuposten. Vielleicht ist das aufschlussreicher.


## Type: string
# 3.)
# Which are the interfaces that point to the internal network?
# Enter all trusted network interfaces here. If you are not
# connected to a trusted network (e.g. you have just a dialup) leave
# this empty.
# Format: space separated list of interface or configuration names
# Examples: "eth-id-00:e0:4c:9f:61:9a", "tr0", "eth0 eth1"

## Type: string
# 4.)
# Which are the interfaces that point to the dmz or dialup network?
# Enter all the network devices here which point to the dmz/dialups.
# A "dmz" is a special, seperated network, which is only connected
# to the firewall, and should be reachable from the internet to
# provide services, e.g. WWW, Mail, etc. and hence is at risk from
# attacks. See /usr/share/doc/packages/SuSEfirewall2/EXAMPLES for an
# example.
# Note: You have to configure FW_FORWARD to define the services
# which should be available to the internet and set FW_ROUTE to yes.
# Format: space separated list of interface or configuration names
# Examples: "eth-id-00:e0:4c:9f:61:9a", "tr0", "eth0 eth1"

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 5.)
# Should routing between the internet, dmz and internal network be
# activated?
# Set this to "yes" if you either want to masquerade internal
# machines or allow access to the dmz (or internal machines, but
# this is not a good idea).
# This option overrides IP_FORWARD from
# /etc/sysconfig/network/options
# Setting this option one alone doesn't do anything. Either activate
# masquerading with FW_MASQUERADE below if you want to masquerade
# your internal network to the internet, or configure FW_FORWARD to
# define what is allowed to be forwarded. You also need to define
# internal or dmz interfaces in FW_DEV_INT or FW_DEV_DMZ.
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 6.)
# Do you want to masquerade internal networks to the outside?
# "Masquerading" means that all your internal machines which use
# services on the internet seem to come from your firewall. Please
# note that it is more secure to communicate via proxies to the
# internet than to use masquerading.
# This option is required for FW_MASQ_NETS and FW_FORWARD_MASQ.
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
## Default: $FW_DEV_EXT
# 6a.)
# You must also define on which interfaces to masquerade on. Those
# are usually the same as the external interfaces. Most users can
# leave the default.
# Examples: "ippp0", "$FW_DEV_EXT"

## Type: string
## Default: 0/0
# Which internal computers/networks are allowed to access the
# internet via masquerading (not via proxys on the firewall)?
# Format: space separated list of
# <source network>[,<destination network>,<protocol>[,port[:port]]
# If the protocol is icmp then port is interpreted as icmp type
# Examples: - "0/0" unrestricted access to the internet
# - "" allows the whole network with
# unrestricted access.
# - ",0/0,tcp,80,0/0,tcp,21" allows
# the network to use www/ftp to the internet. -
# - ",0/0,tcp,1024:65535" the
# network is allowed to access unprivileged
# ports whereas is granted unrestricted
# access.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 7.)
# Do you want to protect the firewall from the internal network?
# Requires: FW_DEV_INT
# If you set this to "yes", internal machines may only access
# services on the firewall you explicitly allow. If you set this to
# "no", any internal user can connect (and attack) any service on
# the firewall.
# defaults to "yes" if not set

## Type: string
# 9.)
# Which TCP services _on the firewall_ should be accessible from
# untrusted networks?
# Enter all ports or known portnames below, seperated by a space.
# TCP services (e.g. SMTP, WWW) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_TCP, and
# UDP services (e.g. syslog) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_UDP.
# e.g. if a webserver on the firewall should be accessible from the internet:
# e.g. if the firewall should receive syslog messages from the dmz:
# For IP protocols (like GRE for PPTP, or OSPF for routing) you need to set
# FW_SERVICES_*_IP with the protocol name or number (see /etc/protocols)
# Format: space separated list of ports, port ranges or well known
# service names (see /etc/services)
# Examples: "ssh", "123 514", "3200:3299", "ftp 22 telnet 512:514"

## Type: string
# Which UDP services _on the firewall_ should be accessible from
# untrusted networks?
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP
# Example: "53"

## Type: string
# Which UDP services _on the firewall_ should be accessible from
# untrusted networks?
# Usually for VPN/Routing which END at the firewall
# Example: "esp"

## Type: string
# Which RPC services _on the firewall_ should be accessible from
# untrusted networks?
# Port numbers of RPC services are dynamically assigned by the
# portmapper. Therefore "rpcinfo -p localhost" has to be used to
# automatically determine the currently assigned port for the
# services specified here.
# regular users can register rpc services and therefore may be able
# to have SuSEfirewall2 open arbitrary ports
# Example: "mountd nfs"

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_UDP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_IP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_RPC

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_UDP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_IP

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_SERVICES_EXT_RPC

## Type: string
# Packets to silently drop without log message
# Format: space separated list of net,protocol[,port][,sport]
# Example: "0/0,tcp,445 0/0,udp,4662"
# The special value _rpc_ is recognized as protocol and means that dport is
# interpreted as rpc service name. See FW_SERVICES_EXT_RPC for
# details.

## Type: string
## Default: 0/0,tcp,113
# Packets to silently reject without log message. Common usage is
# TCP port 113 which if dropped would cause long timeouts when
# sending mail or connecting to IRC servers.
# Format: space separated list of net,protocol[,dport][,sport]
# Example: "0/0,tcp,113"
# The special value _rpc_ is recognized as protocol and means that dport is
# interpreted as rpc service name. See FW_SERVICES_EXT_RPC for
# details.

## Type: string
## Default: 0/0,tcp,113
# Services to allow. This is a more generic form of FW_SERVICES_{IP,UDP,TCP}
# and more specific than FW_TRUSTED_NETS
# Format: space separated list of net,protocol[,dport][,sport]
# Example: "0/0,tcp,22"
# The special value _rpc_ is recognized as protocol and means that dport is
# interpreted as rpc service name. See FW_SERVICES_EXT_RPC for
# details.

## Type: string
# 10.)
# Which services should be accessible from 'trusted' hosts or nets?
# Define trusted hosts or networks (doesn't matter whether they are internal or
# external) and the services (tcp,udp,icmp) they are allowed to use. This can
# be used instead of FW_SERVICES_* for further access restriction. Please note
# that this is no replacement for authentication since IP addresses can be
# spoofed. Also note that trusted hosts/nets are not allowed to ping the
# firewall until you also permit icmp.
# Format: space separated list of network[,protocol[,port]]
# in case of icmp, port means the icmp type
# Example: ",icmp,tcp,22"

## Type: string
## Default:
# 11.)
# Specify which ports are allowed to access unprivileged ports (>1023)
# Format: yes, no or space separated list of ports
# You may either allow everyone from anyport access to your highports ("yes"),
# disallow anyone ("no"), anyone who comes from a defined port (portnumber or
# known portname). Note that this is easy to circumvent! The best choice is to
# keep this option unset or set to 'no'
# defaults to "no" if not set (good choice)

## Type: string
## Default:
# defaults to "no" if not set (good choice)

## Type: string
# 13.)
# Which services or networks are allowed to be routed through the
# firewall, no matter which zone they are in?
# Requires: FW_ROUTE
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must have valid, non-private, IP addresses which were
# assigned to you by your ISP. This opens a direct link to the
# specified network, so please think twice befor using this option!
# Format: space separated list of
# <source network>,<destination network>[,protocol[,port[,flags]]]
# If the protocol is icmp then port is interpreted as icmp type
# The only flag currently supported is 'ipsec' which means to only
# match packets that originate from an IPsec tunnel
# Examples: - "," allow the host to access any
# service on the host
# - "," allow the network
# to access any service in the network
# - ",,igmp" allow routing of IGMP messages
# from to
# - "0/0,0/0,udp,514" always permit udp port 514 to pass
# the firewall
# - ",,,,ipsec \
#,,,,ipsec" permit traffic
# from to and vice versa
# provided that both networks are connected via an
# IPsec tunnel.

## Type: string
# 14.)
# Which services accessed from the internet should be allowed to masqueraded
# servers (on the internal network or dmz)?
# Requires: FW_ROUTE
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must be in a masqueraded segment and may not have public
# IP addesses! Hint: if FW_DEV_MASQ is set to the external interface
# you have to set FW_FORWARD from internal to DMZ for the service as
# well to allow access from internal!
# Please note that this should *not* be used for security reasons!
# You are opening a hole to your precious internal network. If e.g.
# the webserver there is compromised - your full internal network is
# compromised!
# Format: space separated list of
# <source network>,<ip to forward to>,<protocol>,<port>[,redirect port,[destination ip]]
# Protocol must be either tcp or udp
# Examples: - ",,tcp,80" forward all tcp request on
# port 80 coming from the network to the
# internal server
# - ",,tcp,80,81" forward all tcp request on
# port 80 coming from the network to the
# internal server on port 81
# - ",,tcp,80,81,"
# the network trying to access the
# address on port 80 will be forwarded
# to the internal server on port 81
# Note: du to inconsitent iptables behaviour only port numbers are possible but
# no service names (https://bugzilla.netfilter.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=273)

## Type: string
# 15.)
# Which accesses to services should be redirected to a local port on
# the firewall machine?
# This option can be used to force all internal users to surf via
# your squid proxy, or transparently redirect incoming webtraffic to
# a secure webserver.
# Format: list of <source network>[,<destination network>,<protocol>[,dport[:lport]]
# Where protocol is either tcp or udp. dport is the original
# destination port and lport the port on the local machine to
# redirect the traffic to
# An exclamation mark in front of source or destination network
# means everything EXCEPT the specified network
# Example: ",0/0,tcp,80,3128 0/0,,tcp,80,8080"
# Note: contrary to previous SuSEfirewall2 versions it is no longer necessary
# to additionally open the local port

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# 16.)
# Which kind of packets should be logged?
# When set to "yes", packages that got dropped and are considered
# 'critical' will be logged. Such packets include for example
# spoofed packets, tcp connection requests and certain icmp types.
# defaults to "yes" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# whether all dropped packets should be logged
# Note: for broadcasts to be logged you also need to set
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# When set to "yes", packages that got accepted and are considered
# 'critical' will be logged. Such packets include for example tcp
# connection requests, rpc connection requests, access to high
# udp/tcp port and forwarded pakets.
# defaults to "yes" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# whether all accepted packets should be logged
# Note: setting this to 'yes' causes _LOTS_ of log entries and may
# fill your disk quickly. It also disables FW_LOG_LIMIT
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
# How many packets per time unit get logged for each logging rule.
# When empty a default of 3/minute is used to prevent port scans
# flooding your log files. For desktop usage it's a good idea to
# have the limit, if you are using logfile analysis tools however
# you might want to disable it.
# Set to 'no' to disable the rate limit. Setting FW_LOG_ACCEPT_ALL
# to 'yes' disables this option as well.
# Format: a digit and suffix /second, /minute, /hour or /day

## Type: string
# iptables logging option. Must end with --log-prefix and some prefix
# characters
# only change this if you know what you are doing!

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# 17.)
# Do you want to enable additional kernel TCP/IP security features?
# If set to yes, some obscure kernel options are set.
# (icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses, icmp_echoreply_rate,
# icmp_destunreach_rate, icmp_paramprob_rate, icmp_timeexeed_rate,
# ip_local_port_range, log_martians, mc_forwarding, mc_forwarding,
# rp_filter, routing flush)
# Tip: Set this to "no" until you have verified that you have got a
# configuration which works for you. Then set this to "yes" and keep it
# if everything still works. (It should!) ;-)
# Choice: "yes" or "no", if not set defaults to "yes"

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 18.)
# Keep the routing set on, if the firewall rules are unloaded?
# Choices "yes" or "no", if not set defaults to "no"

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# 19.)
# Allow the firewall to reply to icmp echo requests
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 19a.)
# Allow hosts in the dmz to be pinged by internal and external hosts
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 19b.)
# Allow external hosts to be pinged from internal or dmz hosts
# defaults to "no" if not set

# END of /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2

# #
# #
# EXPERT OPTIONS - all others please don't change these! #
# #
# #

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# 21.)
# Allow ICMP sourcequench from your ISP?
# If set to yes, the firewall will notice when connection is choking, however
# this opens yourself to a denial of service attack. Choose your poison.
# Defaults to "yes" if not set

## Type: string(yes,no)
# 22.)
# Allow IP Broadcasts?
# Whether the firewall allows broadcasts packets.
# Broadcasts are used for e.g. for Netbios/Samba, RIP, OSPF and Games.
# If you want to drop broadcasts however ignore the annoying log entries, set
# Note that if you allow specifc ports here it just means that broadcast
# packets for that port are not dropped. You still need to set
# FW_SERVICES_*_UDP to actually allow regular unicast packets to
# reach the applications.
# Format: either
# - "yes" or "no"
# - list of udp destination ports
# Examples: - "631 137" allow broadcast packets on port 631 and 137
# to enter the machine but drop any other broadcasts
# - "yes" do not install any extra drop rules for
# broadcast packets. They'll be treated just as unicast
# packets in this case.
# - "no" drop all broadcast packets before other filtering
# rules
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_ALLOW_FW_BROADCAST_EXT

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_ALLOW_FW_BROADCAST_EXT

## Type: string(yes,no)
# Suppress logging of dropped broadcast packets. Useful if you don't allow
# broadcasts on a LAN interface.
# This setting only affects packets that are not allowed according
# Format: either
# - "yes" or "no"
# - list of udp destination ports
# Examples: - "631 137" silently drop broadcast packets on port 631 and 137
# - "yes" do not log dropped broadcast packets
# - "no" log all dropped broadcast packets
# defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_IGNORE_FW_BROADCAST_EXT

## Type: string
# see comments for FW_IGNORE_FW_BROADCAST_EXT

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 23.)
# Allow same class routing per default?
# Do you want to allow routing between interfaces of the same class
# (e.g. between all internet interfaces, or all internal network interfaces)
# be default (so without the need setting up FW_FORWARD definitions)?
# Choice: "yes" or "no", if not set defaults to "no"
# Defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
# 25.)
# Do you want to load customary rules from a file?
# This is really an expert option. NO HELP WILL BE GIVEN FOR THIS!
# READ THE EXAMPLE CUSTOMARY FILE AT /etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-custom

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# 26.)
# Do you want to REJECT packets instead of DROPing?
# DROPing (which is the default) will make portscans and attacks much
# slower, as no replies to the packets will be sent. REJECTing means, that
# for every illegal packet, a connection reject packet is sent to the
# sender.
# Choice: "yes" or "no", if not set defaults to "no"
# Defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
# 27.)
# Tuning your upstream a little bit via HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket)
# for more information about HTB see http://www.lartc.org
# If your download collapses while you have a parallel upload,
# this parameter might be an option for you. It manages your
# upload stream and reserves bandwidth for special packets like
# TCP ACK packets or interactive SSH.
# It's a list of devices and maximum bandwidth in kbit.
# For example, the german TDSL account, provides 128kbit/s upstream
# and 768kbit/s downstream. We can only tune the upstream.
# Example:
# If you want to tune a 128kbit/s upstream DSL device like german TDSL set
# the following values:
# FW_HTB_TUNE_DEV="dsl0,125"
# where dsl0 is your pppoe device and 125 stands for 125kbit/s upstream
# you might wonder why 125kbit/s and not 128kbit/s. Well practically you'll
# get a better performance if you keep the value a few percent under your
# real maximum upload bandwidth, to prevent the DSL modem from queuing traffic in
# it's own buffers because queing is done by us now.
# So for a 256kbit upstream
# FW_HTB_TUNE_DEV="dsl0,250"
# might be a better value than "dsl0,256". There is no perfect value for a
# special kind of modem. The perfect value depends on what kind of traffic you
# have on your line but 5% under your maximum upstream might be a good start.
# Everthing else is special fine tuning.
# If you want to know more about the technical background,
# http://tldp.org/HOWTO/ADSL-Bandwidth-Management-HOWTO/
# is a good start

## Type: list(no,drop,reject)
## Default: drop
# 28.)
# What to do with IPv6 Packets?
# On older kernels ip6tables was not stateful so it's not possible to implement
# the same features as for IPv4 on such machines. For these there are three
# choices:
# - no: do not set any IPv6 rules at all. Your Host will allow any IPv6
# traffic unless you setup your own rules.
# - drop: drop all IPv6 packets. This is the default if stateful matching is
# not available.
# - reject: reject all IPv6 packets
# Disallowing IPv6 packets may lead to long timeouts when connecting to IPv6
# Adresses. See FW_IPv6_REJECT_OUTGOING to avoid this.
# Leave empty to automatically detect whether your kernel supports stateful matching.

## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# 28a.)
# Reject outgoing IPv6 Packets?
# Set to yes to avoid timeouts because of dropped IPv6 Packets. This Option
# does only make sense with FW_IPv6 != no
# Defaults to "yes" if not set

## Type: list(yes,no,int,ext,dmz)
## Default: no
# 29.)
# Trust level of IPsec packets.
# You do not need to change this if you do not intend to run
# services that should only be available trough an IPsec tunnel.
# The value specifies how much IPsec packets are trusted. 'int', 'ext' or 'dmz'
# are the respective zones. 'yes' is the same as 'int. 'no' means that IPsec
# packets belong to the same zone as the interface they arrive on.
# Note: you still need to explicitely allow IPsec traffic.
# Example:
# Defaults to "no" if not set

## Type: string
## Default:
# 30.)
# Define additional firewall zones
# The built-in zones INT, EXT and DMZ must not be listed here. Names
# of additional zones must only contain lowercase ascii characters.
# To define rules for the additional zone, take the approriate
# variable for a built-in zone and substitute INT/EXT/DMZ with the
# name of the additional zone.
# Example:
# FW_ZONES="wlan"
FW_DEV_EXT="dsl0 eth-id-00:30:84:0d:e0:c2 ppp0"

Martin Breidenbach

Ultimate Guru
boothunter schrieb:
gehe mal von aus das es richtig konfiguriert ist da ich eigentlich nichts geändert habe.

Das muß man überprüfen.

boothunter schrieb:
Erlaube mir mal hier die Konfiguration meiner Firewall im Linux-Router mitzuposten. Vielleicht ist das aufschlussreicher.

Schau Dir den Link an den ich vorhin gepostet habe. Da stehen die relevanten Einstellungen für die SuSEFirewall2 drin.

Bitte: laß beim Posten der SuSEFirewall2 in Zukunft die Kommentare weg. Die hat hier jeder selber auf der Platte :)


Das mit den Kommentaren werde ich mir merken, danke.

Deinen Link kenne ich. Danach habe ich meine Netzwerkverbindung eingerichtet bzw. auch so eingestellt. Und es lief ja dann auch hervorragend.

Nur seit zwei Tagen auf einmal nicht mehr, wobei ich nichts an den Firewall-Einstellungen geändert habe.

Kann es sein, das vielleicht irgendwelche Ports oder ähnliches plötzlich gesperrt sind? Wie gesagt ... anpingen können sich die Rechner gegenseitig.

Martin Breidenbach

Ultimate Guru
Naja... *IRGENDWAS* ist jetzt anders.

Damit der Windows-Rechner über den Linux-Rechner 'raus' kommt muß:

1. der Linux-Rechner eine Internetverbindung haben
2. der Linux-Rechner Routing aktiviert haben
3. der Linux-Rechner Masquerading machen
4. der Windows- und der Linux-Rechner miteinander kommunizieren können
5. der Windows-Rechner den Linux-Rechner als Standardgateway haben
6. der Windows-Rechner einen funktionsfähigen DNS haben

Die Frage ist jetzt - wo klemmts ?

Da offenbar alles mal richtig eingestellt war würde ich jetzt eins nach dem andern durchchecken.

Und wie man das macht hab ich ja schon zusammengestellt.

Vielleicht spinnt da irgendwo eine Firewall rum oder ein Autoupdate hat zugeschlagen...

P.S. Wo ist denn die Definition von FW_DEV_EXT hingeraten ?
P.P.S. Ach die steht hinten... wie kommt die dahin ? Firewall sieht ok aus...


Wie meine FW_DEV_EXT nach hinten kommt, weiß ich nicht. Habe sie manuell nicht dahin gesetzt.

Frage zum Routing: Muß ich beim Linux-Router sowohl die externe und auch die interne Netzwerkkarte zum routen auswählen und müssen bei einer oder bei beiden auch der Standardgateway (also IP des Linux-Routers eingetragen werden)? Oder vielleicht ein Nameserver des Providers (in diesem Fall T-Online)?

Und die DNS auf dem Windows-Rechner sind ja die Nameserver des Providers. Und die sind korrekt eingetragen.

Martin Breidenbach

Ultimate Guru
Routing wird einfach nur eingeschaltet. Bei SuSE geht das in diesem Fall an zwei Stellen wobei die Einstellung in der SuSEFirewall2 die andere überschreibt.

Mach doch wie in http://www.linux-club.de/viewtopic.php?t=16737 beschrieben

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

um festzustellen ob Routing tatsächlich aktiv ist.

Bei solchen Problemen kann man auch gut Tools wie nmap und ethereal einsetzen um festzustellen wo denn die Pakete verschütt gehene.


Das Problem scheint gelöst. :D

Habe die FW_DEV_EXT jetzt mal wieder da hinkopiert und auf einmal passt wieder alles, Internet geht.

Sollte es wirklich daran gelegen haben ???

Setzte diesen Thread also mal auf gelöst. :D