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knetworkmanager hat nur kurzzeitgedächtnis - vergisst immer



auf opensuse 12.2 das ich frisch auf einem notebook installiert hab stell ich fest....

knetworkmanager hat extremes kurzzeitgedächtnis: der ist ja sehr vergesslich.

das passwort der wlan-verbindung wird nicht von einer zur nächsten sitzung gespeichert.

hängt das damit zusammen dass ich die kwallet- brieftasche nicht eingerichtet habe!?

was meint ihr ?


Was hast du denn im NetworkManager eingestellt, wo oder wie das Passwort gespeichert werden soll?



danke fürs Antworten....

Hmmm - da gibts na nicht viele optionen - oder.- Jedenfalls denk ich das mal so...

Jedenfalls hab ich die noch nicht beachtet. Dachte. Speichern ist Speichern - und dass das auf jeden fall über die Sitzung hinaus nicht verloren geht.


Es gibt:
  1. Nicht speichern (immer nachfragen)
  2. In Datei (unverschlüsselt)
  3. In digitaler Brieftasche (verschlüsselt)

Hat jetzt nichts direkt mit dem Problem zu tun, nutzt du denn wirklich den KNetworkManager, oder das plasmoid-networkmanagement?
Mal die Ausgaben von:
rpm -qa "*etwork*"
plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net


Vielen Dank Tomm.fa

Deine Antworten sind wie immer sehr fundiert - und hilfreich.



lin schrieb:
Vielen Dank Tomm.fa

Deine Antworten sind wie immer sehr fundiert - und hilfreich.


Und wo bleibt das Ergebnis? Mit dem Ergebnis kann nämlich das Problem weiter eingegrenzt und dir eine bzw. mehrere Lösungen vorgeschlagen werden.


hallo Spoensche hallo Tomm.fa - guten Morgen,

war ein paar tage mit nem anderen notebook unterwegs.
Jetzt hier mal die Resultate -

rpm -qa "*etwork*"

martin@linux-ale9:~> rpm -qa "*etwork*"


plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net

martin@linux-ale9:~> plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net
comic                       - Comics aus dem Internet anzeigen
org.kde.networkmanagement   - Dienstprogramm für Netzwerkstatus und -kontrolle
sm_net                      - Ein Überwachungsmonitor für Netzwerke
windowlist                  - Miniprogramm zur Auflistung geöffneter Fenster.

hmmm - ich stutze etwas über den obigen ergebnissen - ganz oben - ist das nicht mehrfach aktiv!?

viele gruesse


Was wir jetzt eigentlich aufgrund des siebten Beitrags wissen wollen, ist das Problem jetzt beseitigt? Wenn ja, wie genau? Wird wieder KWallet verwendet, oder wurde im plasmoid-networkmanagement die entsprechende Option (In Datei [unverschlüsselt]) gesetzt das Passwort zu speichern?

Übrigens nutzt du, da nicht installiert, nicht den KNetworkManager, sondern das Plasmoid Networkmanagement, ist aber beinahe nicht wichtig.


hallo Tomm.fa

nur ganz kurz. Kwallet meldet sich nicht mehr

Das Problem ist noch nicht restlos beseitigt. Nutze das Notebook im Mom. "am Kabel".

tomm.fa schrieb:
Was wir jetzt eigentlich aufgrund des siebten Beitrags wissen wollen, ist das Problem jetzt beseitigt? Wenn ja, wie genau? Wird wieder KWallet verwendet, oder wurde im plasmoid-networkmanagement die entsprechende Option (In Datei [unverschlüsselt]) gesetzt das Passwort zu speichern?

Übrigens nutzt du, da nicht installiert, nicht den KNetworkManager, sondern das Plasmoid Networkmanagement, ist aber beinahe nicht wichtig.

Wie du sagts - muss / müsste ich in dem P-Management die entsprechende Option (In Datei [unverschlüsselt]) gesetzt das Passwort speichern.

Ich werde das am Mo. mal probieren. Hab die Kiste im Mom. eben fest am Kabel.

VG Lin


hallo Tomm.fa

also ich denke dass es leider immer noch nicht in ordnung ist. Habe gestern mal noch knetworkmanager installiert - jedenfalls hoff ich dass
das geklappt hat.

Aber leider ist das Verhalten immer noch sehr unbefriedigend.
Und ich erinnere dass du immer gesagt hast - man soll wenn man den knetworkmanager einsetzt - also nicht traditionell u. ifup, dann sollte
man alle einträge loeschen. Dazu hast du auch eine spezielle Methode empfohlen. Ggf. muss ich das noch machen.

Wie verhält sich der Rechner: Wenn ich das wlan einrichte, dann kann ich genau für eine einzige Sitzung damit rechnen dass es geht. Danach gehts schon wieder nicht mehr. DAS nervt.

Und dann hab ich heute mal diese Befehle (die obenstehenden) nochmals ausführen lassen.....

linux-ale9:~ # plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net

linux-ale9:~ # plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
kbuildsycoca4 running...

kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/ntp-client.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/online_update.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/modem.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/nis.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/irda.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/nfs.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/vendor.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/iscsi-client.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/sysconfig.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/mouse.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/sudo.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files.                                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/firewall.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/remote.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/keyboard.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/sound.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/printer.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/sw_single.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/ldap_browser.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/dsl.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/lan.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/restore.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/backup.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/samba-server.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/add-on.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/sw_source.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/runlevel.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/ldap.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/kerberos.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/host.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/security.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/isdn.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/hwinfo.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/yast-language.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/mail.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/users.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/checkmedia.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/support.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/misc.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/network_devices.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/hardware.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/security.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/network_services.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/high_availability.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/software.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/system.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/samba-client.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/bootloader.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/tv.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/inetd.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/proxy.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/system_settings.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/joystick.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/scanner.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/YaST2/timezone.desktop" has Type= "Application" but also has a X-KDE-Library key. This works for now, but makes user-preference handling difficult, so support for this might be removed at some point. Consider splitting it into two desktop files. 
kbuildsycoca4(3747) parseLayoutNode: The menu spec file contains a Layout or DefaultLayout tag without the mandatory Merge tag inside. Please fix your file. 
"KConfigIni: In file /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateIK3750.tmp, line 1: " Invalid entry (missing '=') 
comic                       - View comic strips from the Internet
org.kde.networkmanagement   - Network status and control utility
sm_net                      - A network usage monitor
linux-ale9:~ # 
linux-ale9:~ # 
linux-ale9:~ # plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net
comic                       - View comic strips from the Internet
org.kde.networkmanagement   - Network status and control utility
sm_net                      - A network usage monitor
linux-ale9:~ #

linux-ale9:~ # kbuildsycoca4 running...

linux-ale9:~ # rpm -qa "*etwork*"
linux-ale9:~ #

hmmm - ich werde heute abend nochmals einiges prüfen....
vielleicht fällt dir ja noch was ein...

lg liin


lin schrieb:
also ich denke dass es leider immer noch nicht in ordnung ist.
Keine Ahnung, wir warten ja auch noch auf ein Ergebnis wegen der Frage zur Passwortverwaltung.

lin schrieb:
Habe gestern mal noch knetworkmanager installiert - jedenfalls hoff ich dass
das geklappt hat.
Nein, hast du anscheinend nicht und das ist auch gut so, denn es ist ja schon das passende Plasmoid vorhanden.

lin schrieb:
Aber leider ist das Verhalten immer noch sehr unbefriedigend.
Sagt nicht viel aus.

lin schrieb:
Und ich erinnere dass du immer gesagt hast - man soll wenn man den knetworkmanager einsetzt - also nicht traditionell u. ifup, dann sollte
man alle einträge loeschen. Dazu hast du auch eine spezielle Methode empfohlen. Ggf. muss ich das noch machen.
Hat zwar nicht viel mit dem Problem der Passwortverwaltung zu tun, sollte aber auch gemacht werden.

Noch so nebenbei: Keine PN mehr zu diesem Thema, wenn ich Lust und Zeit habe, dann melde ich mich schon.
Hallo lin,

irgendwie habe ich den Eindruck das Linux & Wireless nicht kompatibel zu Dir sind, denn dies ist ja bereits das dritte Thema das Du damit hast. :eek:ps:
O.K. nun ernsthafter:

lin schrieb:
martin@linux-ale9:~> rpm -qa "*etwork*"

Das sieht doch ganz normal aus.
Dein W-LAN ist ja funktionstüchtig, lediglich die Vergesslichkeit des Schlüssels um in Dein kabelloses Netzwerk zu gelangen ist nervig.
Da ich mit meinen Computern noch immer 12.1 benutze kann ich von solchen Problemen nicht berichten.

lin schrieb:
plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net
Bin zwar hier nicht drahtlos aber habe die gleiche Ausgabe.

lin schrieb:
hmmm - ich stutze etwas über den obigen ergebnissen - ganz oben - ist das nicht mehrfach aktiv!?
Nein, es sind doch nur Schnittstellen für verschiedene Dienste denen man Zugriff gewähren kann (vpnc, pptp, filesharing, openvpn, pptp-kde4, openvpn-kde4, libproxy1) und Bibliotheken (glib-networking, kde4-libs, vpnc-kde4) um überhaupt arbeiten zu können.
Die Hauptakteure sind: NetworkManager (cli-Programm), plasmoid-networkmanagement ("Frontend" für NetworkManager)

Was sagt denn:
rpm -qa | grep kwalletmanager
zypper se -si kwalletmanager
ist die "digitale Brieftasche" installiert?
Wenn installiert und in Benutzung, dann gibt es bestimmt hier Konfigurationsdateien:
ls -la ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet ~/.kde4/share/apps/kwallet
Die kannst Du Dir dann ansehen, vielleicht hilft es Dir.

Lieben Gruß aus Hessen


Herz-von-Hessen schrieb:
Die Hauptakteure sind: NetworkManager (cli-Programm),
Kurzer Einspruch falls niemand was dagegen hat:
man NetworkManager schrieb:
NetworkManager - network management daemon
man nmcli schrieb:
nmcli - command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager

Was jetzt noch geklärt werden muss:
  • Eventuell vorhanden Konfigurationen der Netzwerkkarten unter YaST sind gelöscht?
  • Unter YaST ist umgestellt auf „Benutzergesteuert mithilfe von NetworkManager?
  • Im Plasoid Netzwerkverwaltung ist das Passwort des verwendeten Netzwerks eingetragen?
  • Es ist was ausgewählt ob und wie dieses Passwort gespeichert wird?
  • Wenn das Fenster (KWallet?) mit der Passwortabfrage kommt, ist das wirklich KWallet oder doch die Nachfrage des Passwortes von Root oder das des gewählten Netzwerks?


hallo Herz-von-Hessen hallo Tomm.Fa - hallo und guten Abend - oder besser gesagt guten Morgen.

vielen Dank, für Euren beiden Postings.

vielen lieben Dank für Tipps u. die Ideen.

Ich bin jetzt weitergekommen: es geht - ich hab zusätzlich zu den Aktionen vor Tagen (siehe Thread oben). noch einen - wohl sehr überfälligen update durchlaufen
lassen, dann die Kiste zur Vervollständigung des Updates neu gestartet. Da waren 135 Patches drinne in dem Sample.

Und jetzt gehts. Also das Networkmanagement vergisst jetzt endlich nix mehr. Was mit dem k-wallet ist - es meldet sich alle paar Tage mal.
@tomm.fa: bin relativ sicher dass es kwallet ist. Werde es aber zur Sicherheit nächstens nochmals überprüfen ob diese Abfrage-geschichten nicht doch noch von woanders herkommen. Wenns doch K-Wallet waere - hmm diese Anwendung ist m.E. für mich nichts passendes. Kann mit dem nix anfangen, würds am liebsten abschalten.

Was aber jetzt erstmal erreicht wurde ist dass das WLAN stabil ist.

Euch nochmlas vielen lieben Dank!

viele liebe Gruesse


markiere das oben jetzt mal als geloest...
@Herz von Hessen: Ja du hast Recht: ist schon eine sehr beharrliche Geschichte - diese Turbulenzen die ich mit dem wlan hab;-)


guten Abend,

also nach Monaten mit opensuse 13.1 bin ich jetzt auf OpenSuse 13.2 umgestiegen. nachdem ich opensuse 13.2 installiert hab auf einem notebook und noch eingerichtet habe - auch die plasmaoid-dinge, verliert das notebook immer wieder die wlan-passworte

Dachte dass ich das - wenn es einmal eingstellt ist dann auch gespeichert wird.

Leider ist dem nicht so; Ihr habt mal tolle Tipps gehabt wie man dieses Problem loesen kann

hier http://forum.linux-club.de/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=116899

Hat jetzt nichts direkt mit dem Problem zu tun, nutzt du denn wirklich den KNetworkManager, oder das plasmoid-networkmanagement?
Mal die Ausgaben von:

ich hab folgendes mal auf der neuen installation der opensuse 13.2

rpm -qa "*etwork*"


plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net

ferner dem tipp von Herz von Hessen folgend: Was sagt denn:

rpm -qa | grep kwalletmanager


zypper se -si kwalletmanager

hier die resultate:

Ergegnis 1.

martin@linux-a9sq:~> rpm -qa "*etwork*"

Ergebnis 2:

martin@linux-a9sq:~> plasmoidviewer --list | grep -i net
plasmoidviewer: command not found

Ergebnis 3:

martin@linux-a9sq:~> rpm -qa | grep kwalletmanager

und schliesslich Ergebnis 4:

martin@linux-a9sq:~> zypper se -si kwalletmanager
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name           | Type    | Version    | Arch   | Repository          
i | kwalletmanager | package | 4.14.3-4.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-13.2-Update

Also - aufs Ganze gesehen glaub ich dass es - nach dieser Prozedur nun alles gehen sollte. Denn - so scheint es mir - wurde jetzt der kwalletmanager installiert.

ich werd es mal testen u- halte Euch auf dem Laufenden.



rpm -qa | grep -Ei "*plasma*|*network*"
plasmapkg -l | grep -Ei "nm|net"

Neuinstallation oder Aktualisierung von openSUSE 13.1 auf 13.2?